Posted by deactivated7 on 19 August 2016 05:10:00 PM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
Hello everyone and we welcome you all to ArtFight 2016! You have a day to touch the shiny and get your characters and perms up and the FIGHT will start tomorrow at noon site time! Better get prepped.
(Some clarification: You are able to upload characters throughout the fight, not just this one day! But since everything is brand new, we figured it best to give you guys some time to get set up and situated.)

Comments (98)

First year! Should be fun.
This is my first year, and I'm really excited ahhhh!!
Welcome all new first timers! I'm really excited to see fresh faces on here, because I promise you that Art Fight is a lot of fun!
First time here! I.. I uh dont have a ref/character. I have no idea how this works
first year, Im so hyped aaaa
first year, no tears 
okay maybe a few since I don't really know this tagging thing right but 
Im! So! ready!!
Whos ready to rumble? this is my third year, ahh!
I'm down.
First time! Let's see how this goes, haha.
Hopefully the magic of motivation comes to me in time. ^^"
Bittie said:
this is my second year and im very excited, although i need to quickly throw together some refs lolll;;

xXSkullyXx: im not 100% sure how it works exactly, but from what i remember you basically post refs of your ocs. then, someone or yourself can "attack" one another, aka draw your/their oc(s)! then you can "attack" back by drawing their oc! usually the counterattack should have about the same amount of effort put into the piece as the other person's attack (ex: a sketch given should usually receive a sketch back). again, im not 100% sure about this, please feel free to correct me!
I'm new to this!
Can someone explain to me how this all works? I'd really appreciate it! C:
Samagirl said:
I'm so excited!!! 
This is my first year doing this so I hope to meet some really cool people <33 
This is my second year and mannnnn while I may cringe at my old art, at least I feel like I've improved now. I missed last year I think, it's been a year or two since I did this last. So excited though! I scrambled to find pre-drawn pictures of characters that I had (No matter HOW old, now that took some guts there )  to avoid drawing refs. Good luck everyone!
Novaren said:
This is my first year! I'm not sure how exaclty this works but I'll try my best uvu
Amour said:
Ahhh can't wait ;0;!
This is my first year ;w;