Posted by deactivated7 on 19 August 2016 05:10:00 PM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
Hello everyone and we welcome you all to ArtFight 2016! You have a day to touch the shiny and get your characters and perms up and the FIGHT will start tomorrow at noon site time! Better get prepped.
(Some clarification: You are able to upload characters throughout the fight, not just this one day! But since everything is brand new, we figured it best to give you guys some time to get set up and situated.)

Comments (98)

the site looks great, this only gets better and better every year. super excited
(is there a theme this year btw? )
cat said:
im ready!! this site is set up so nicely im really excited!
salt said:
this set up + search engine is so well thought out I'm !!!! ty for doing this (-':
i am ready to Rumble 
Can't wait!! 
tellerby said:
I'm so excited yo, thanks staff!!
Queijac said:
the site looks amazing, im so excited to participate!!!! thank u so much staff :'')