Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 06:51:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
I am happy to announce that the site should be stable right now and hopefully will stay up at a normal speed. We are monitoring the situation yet and are working on maintaining the site's stability. 

Thank you everyone for baring with us in our struggles.  

A huge thanks to our awesome owner and coders who figured it out! 

Takaia @morichinatsu Pika

Comments (88)

Biscuit said:
LurkerEtch You had a space in your username! I removed it for you. 
I am having trouble logging in.. Every time I try to log in, it says my password in incorrect, even though I make sure to check for spelling, capitalization, and any other errors. Resetting my password is the only way for me to access my account and I've reset my password to the exact same thing three times now :c I'm on the mobile site, if that makes any difference
Reima said:
Soooooomuch better now~ I almost doubted that it was all my laptop's doing, but I wasn't the onlyone so.... I am very very glad of all these fixes xD Good job~ Enjoying my time so far
Jin-chan said:
LOL i thought it was my wifi that i ended up going to my dad's

thanks for fixing it and putting in your hard work mate
Pam said:
Woooh thanks for all your hard work!!!
tarocake said:
thank you for your hard work on fixing this! unfortunately ive ran into some problems, somehow everytime i try and change my avatar it doesnt change, even when i try hard refreshing it! currently i have this 50x50 as my icon, i changed it to a 100x100 and apparently it still gave me the same 50x50 icon

i tried changing it to a png (example : dog headshot ) that is within the 100x100 frame, if i change it to something else (example : cat headshot ) within the same frames, somehow it still gave me the previous avatar and not the current one, thank you for your hard work on keeping this site stable!

animal said:
Thank you for your hard work!! I've been having trouble submitting art though - it hasn't been going through, so I'll be trying another browser soon (I'm using Chrome)!

ETA: Firefox has been giving me issues too. I'm not really sure why this is happening!
Where is the random character button? ;v; It was there an hour ago.. And i loved it!!
Sugirino said:
Wooo!! ^_^ Glad everything's going back to bein' stable.
Lossei said:
its all fine and wonderful that like, this is fixed because it was really necessary?? But im kinda worried rn because the points seem r e a l l y off. like, how is moon a full 1000 points ahead of sun while sun has submitted more art in general?
it feels like smth is either wrong or people are submitting smth to the wrong points but that might also be me being salty
Thankyou all for your hard work ;o;
Thank you for working so hard to fix the site! 
You guys worked so hard, thank you! 
Thank you so much for your hard work! 
Good job, and thank you for all the hard work!  We appreciate y'all~