Posted by Takaia on 16 July 2017 06:00:47 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)

Please fill out this survey if you're interested in Art Fight shirts!

Comments (53)

dduuuuudde i need oneee
If you do do these, I really think you should go with black shirts rather than grey! Black would make the symbol colors pop more, and black shirts tend to fit in people's wardrobes more easily than grey (plus grey t-shirts have an unfortunate tendency to highlight armpit sweat, which isn't great for an event in the middle of summer, haha).
I just hope it isn't limited. I need to save some $$$

Especially if the price is USD. I'm just a poor Canadian 
zazpie said:
The text-less ones look really awesome : )
Redd said:
I don't mind if it's with or without text, I'd buy one either way!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ooohh love the ones with just a logo! if you guys are planning different colours or sleeveless tops, i'm definitely in!
DimStorm said:
Those are pretty radical
Howee said:
OMG :0