Posted by Takaia on 4 August 2017 05:25:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
We diligently skimmed through your attacks looking for stuff like missed duplicates and making sure we got the blob characters fixed. We were hoping that by doing so, it would cause the score to trend in an obvious direction, but instead throughout the day it went back and forth. Since the score so close even now, I've decided the mods need more time to go through everything so that we make sure the final verdict is fair. I've also decided that they need some rest as well, so we're delaying our final call. I appreciate your patience. Please also note that your chance to report any incorrectly rated attacks has also been extended a little bit, and you're encouraged to do so!
Thank you all so much for participating in Art Fight this year! I'm so happy you're here.
- Takaia

Comments (63)

I'm really nervous to know the final score!! Props to you guys for going through all of the entries; that must be so tiring 
cedes said:
I figure there's been what, almost 130k artworks uploaded this year!! That's crazy and amazing, but there's sure got to be plenty of last minute things to clear up yeah! I've been watching the score go up and down it's crazyyy
Hang tough guys!!
Can't wait to see the final results, and dAMN--kudos for going through all the submissions, that's gotta be one hell of a job. O0O Best of luck to all of you, looking forward to seeing the final verdict on team scores!