Posted by Rainy on 8 August 2018 06:12:46 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)
Art Fight has ended! Thank you all for participating. 

Now that the event has ended, you won't be able to attack anymore. However, the site will still be up and you will be able to do everything but attack. 

Please give the moderators a few days to tend to reports and adjust ratings before the official winner is announced. You are encouraged to report any incorrect ratings you see! 

Comments (283)

GG -w-
Stereo said:
This is so sad Alexa play Despacito
This was a blast!! I can't wait to participate in future battles, I really enjoyed this fight while it lasted!
wolfhong said:
This was my first year! And I was really enjoy every piece I made for others, and I was enjoy every piece others made for me >< thank you for all who are on the event!!
Hope to see everyone next year!!
It’s sad to see this end! Gah I really enjoyed it so much! Everyone had amazing art and it was just so much fun! I am so glad that everyone was able to join, especially since this is my first year.
This was my first year and I had so much fun!!! Can't wait for next year!! ( I really think this event should happen more often!)
It's been great yall! Here's to bother teams giving it their all and havin some fun!
I honestly had a freaking blast with this year's Art Fight, and even more for being my first!

I got to make some great art and receive some back, not to mention all the great people and characters I've seen

Can't wait for the announcement for the winners and for next year's Art Fight, I will sure participate again!
It was my first art fight and it was very interesting to have participated.
This was so fun!! It had been such a long time since I had first done art fight (2013) and participating this year made me regret not returning until now. I’ve had such a blast getting to draw characters I don’t usually get to draw, and expirementing with the attacks I did. I feel like I’ve improved a lot and learned more about my art and how I wish to present it from this. To the admins, thank you so much for hosting Art Fight and dedicating so much effort into it. This has all been possible with all your hard work! ?
Raaxeei said:
c RI E S 
Kinda sad bc due to personal stuff I wasn’t  able to participate. But I had a lot of fun and I’ll be more prepared next year! I’m still going to finish the current things I was drawing.
This was tons of fun!
This was amazing bless