Posted by Rainy on 8 August 2018 06:12:46 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)
Art Fight has ended! Thank you all for participating. 

Now that the event has ended, you won't be able to attack anymore. However, the site will still be up and you will be able to do everything but attack. 

Please give the moderators a few days to tend to reports and adjust ratings before the official winner is announced. You are encouraged to report any incorrect ratings you see! 

Comments (283)

I really enjoyed my first year of Art Fight! Even if there were technical difficulties, the admins put all their effort into fixing the game, and it paid off very nicely. I can’t wait to participate next year!
Aww why can’t this be a twice a year thing, I’ve talked to so many cool people and I have also gotten really good at drawing and making character designs, hhhhhh oh well
Chimney said:
Aw man it's over? And we gotta wait a year?????
I feel bad for the people that attacked me, I still wanna revenge them! I'll probably do it anyway-
It was a fun round this year! Can't wait until next years!
Why do we have to wait until next year ;-;
Can’t we just start up again next month???
this was my very first year of artfight and it was a blast! thanks so much to everyone involved! <333
Pretty good for first year. Seen lots of great artists out there. Hope to do it again 
So much fun participating this year!! I can’t wait for the next ^^
bebbybat said:
this was great!!!
This was my 3rd year! I did alot more than i did the other two years n im proud of myself! Nexty year will be even better <<3  hope everyone had a good Artfight ! 
This was rlly fun, lol
it was so awesome!
Totally Can't wait until next year!
this was my first year and it was fun you guys
This was may first year participating in the Art Fight,See ya all next year ^^ 
Yay! Good job everyone!!
Until next year!!