Posted by Rainy on 5 November 2018 03:14:25 AM (Edited by Rainy 1 year ago)
As some of you may remember, it's been about one month since we released stage 1 of the Art Fight 2019 theme poll a month ago. We’re happy to say that we got over 7,000 votes! With that, it is time for the grand finale, stage 2, the final poll. This poll is a little different from stage 1, because you can only vote for one option. Choose wisely! 

What did you vote for? 

Comments (465)

Dream vs Nightmare!
Sugar vs Spice!
Dream vs Nightmare
Everyone is choosing Dream vs Nightmare
Its epic
Dream vs Nightmare my dude.
Dream vs Nightmare owo
phannpy said:
dream vs nightmare pwease
aisae said:
Hope vs Despair
Heroes vs Villains!!
Dreams vs nightmares!
I'm completely for Vampires and werewolves, and will probably be disappointed if that doesn't win.
kiorii said:
dreams vs nightmares
Tufukins said:
Flora and Fauna! Flowers and critters! Forests! YeeEEEE
snore said:
Dream vs Nightmare
Dream vs Nightmare