Posted by Rainy on 12 June 2019 12:36:24 AM (Edited by deactivated-1624322037 2 years ago)

Art Fight 2019 Start Date and Theme Reveal

As it is every year, Art Fight 2019 will be starting on July 1st at 12:00 pm US Mountain time. Make sure you prepare yourself by updating your characters and bookmarking some characters early! 
Instead of revealing the theme on the fight’s start, we will be revealing it EARLY on June 20th at 1:00 pm US Mountain time. Like last year, you can join us for the countdown on our Twitch.

Similar to last year, we will be playing an animated short revealing the theme of 2019 on our Twitch this year as well. If you didn't see the 2018 reveal, you can watch it here.

After the theme is revealed, you will also get to pick your team early! You will simply have to fill out a google form that will put you on your team on the 1st. The advantage to registering early is that you get to pick your team. If you don’t, you'll be placed on your team the traditional way — randomly! We will be releasing more info regarding this on the 20th. Be sure to follow us on Twitter to get fast updates regarding that. 

Filters Update

A few months ago we released a survey gathering what users thought about our current filters. We’ve taken that feedback and greatly revised some of our rules. We have also added an entire category to Epilepsy sensitive images. Please read the updated guide here

Ratings Update

In addition to the filters, we have also revised our attack rating guide and adjusted the point values following your feedback. While the point values are not public at this moment, we can give you a general run down: 

  • Fullbody has a raise in points

  • Pattern/Abstract had their points balanced

  • Simple and Complex Scenes have both had their points balanced

  • Photo Backgrounds have been combined with Absent/Simple Backgrounds and do not receive points

  • Added a Props option in Background/Scene

  • Combined Clean Drawing and Detailed Drawing into a Lined Drawing category

  • Combined Rough Painting and Detailed Painting into a Painting category

  • Combined Low-Poly 3D, Stylized 3D, and Detailed 3D into a 3D Model category

  • Added Pixel Art finish rating

  • Added a Lineless Art finish rating

  • Combined Animated Elements and Animation Add-On into one Minor Animation category, and added Short Film

  • Added simple shaped characters size rating

  • Username Changes Reminder

    Please be reminded that we will not be taking username change requests during the event (July 1st - August 1st) due to strain on moderators. If you would like to change your username, you still have about a month to do so. See the contact page for more information on how to change your name. 
    Donators of 5$ and up will still be able to use their 1 free name change and are exempt from this rule. 

    Discord Server Changes

  • Nitro boosting is a new feature within Discord that allows people to support servers and in return, gives the server cool rewards! If you server boost our server, you will receive a fancy role, an icon next to your name, and be automatically entered in monthly Art Fight premium raffles!

  • As of June 15th, the minigames on the Art Fight Discord will be closing down since Art Fight is starting up again. Like last year, you will still be able to edit your finished claims, so don’t worry about rushing to finish. Users will continue to receive the timeout role if they do not complete their claims within two weeks.

  • The Discord voice-chats will also be closing for the duration of Art Fight due to constant rule-breaking and strain on moderators. The general voice-chats will open some time after the fight is over, though VIP voice-chats will remain up during the event. 

  • We received feedback based on ‘masking’ links, and made adjustments according to! Users can now use the spoiler feature to hide anything that may fall under our filters (shown here) Additionally, we ask that members leave a tag ahead of the spoiler to alert users why it’s been concealed (e.g.“warning: minor gore”, “Pokemon spoilers”, etc.). Please refrain from spoiler tagging things unnecessarily.

  • We have also removed the Tea and Coffee team roles to prepare for the new roles, as well as some role color changes. You’ll notice a new icon in celebration of Pride Month, also! 

  • 2018 Achievements

    You should have received a notification about them already, but the 2018 achievements are now complete, and here they are in all their glory! 

    [Coffee, Tea, Traitor, Tea Loyal, Coffee Loyal, 2018 Winner]

    The achievements are done by our lead artist Axel, give him a follow! 

    Comments (88)

    Numachii said:
    Woo woo oh yeah woo oh yeah woo
    Howee said:
    Can't wait!! 
    Can't wait!!
    very excited!!!
    PawzTheDrFoxFan yeah but last year even without the search function enabled the site was so slow and laggy i could never get it to work outside of one day because i determined to attack at least once
    Gyrwolf said:
    Major hype aaaaaaaaaaaahh :’D
    Can we have character search again please?
    Crazeexd pretty sure that might break/lag the site like it did last year
    thank you guys for putting together such an awesome event!!! this will be my third fight and I've looked forward to it since last August. I'm so excited for the team reveal too, I think the way you're doing it this year is interesting. I hope it works out well for you
    Yo, I'm so hype aaaaaa
    Jingle said:
    Are yall gonna implement the search option again this year? also the slow down from last year made it almost impossible for me to participate, has there been a fix for that? 
    Arc said:
    Can't wait to participate
    Thank you mods team 
    Can't wait to start!
    Eggyyeen said:
    Aw heck yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee