Posted by Rainy on 20 June 2019 07:34:57 PM (Edited by Axel 3 years ago)

Art Fight 2019 Theme Reveal and Early Bird Registration

Hello everyone, are you excited for Art Fight yet? You should be, because we have some nice surprises coming up!

Theme Reveal

We revealed the 2019 Art Fight theme on stream. If you didn't catch it, you can watch it here!

Early Bird Registration - Pick your team!l

Yes, as we stated before, you will be able to pick your team early by clicking on this google form and following the instructions. Please be aware that you won’t get on your team immediately, it will take some time to process. The form will close on June 28th at 12:00 AM MST, so make sure you fill it out beforehand!

Social Media

If you want to get further updates, make sure you join our Discord Server to get fast announcements. As well, check out our Twitter, and our DeviantArt Group!

Comments (327)

Second year! Can't wait to start attacking!!! :D

Brunoweh said:
This is my second art fight. I’m pumped!! But, I seem to have a problem with my username, one of the letters is wrong, how do i change this? Also, I put in a form for team sign ups but haven’t been assigned a team yet?
uwu It's my first art fight ever and i'm pretty excited. 
08cchi said:
This will be my 4th artfight !!! Excited to start!!! 
RayNix said:
First year and pretty hyped to start!
kiniBee said:
Can we pick teams tomorrow? I did the early registration br I guess something happened.
Is there an option to hide characters without deleting their profile?
We have oir teams now!!! So excited!!

Uh I didn’t know how to fill out the form so how will I get chosen into a team now?
Oh, weird, I did the google form but I think because I changed my username after that, I didn't get the team I asked for, so now I have to wait. Bummer... Was hoping to early join team Nightmare 
when ur was open mine didnt work i geass il randome then i mran iknow its closed now but ey
DigiTheArtist Hi and welcome ^u^
You’ll be able to join no worries! On the 1st of July, the ‘current event’ button next to your username will let you be sorted onto a team. You can make and upload art all month until the game is over. Hope that helps!
This is my first time on this site. Could anyone explain how this works and if I would be able to join this event?
apollie said:
a couple things id like to point out,,
cphlow theAlpacaChino and more, please remember that even if you don't fill out the early bird registration you can still register during the fight! just because you missed the early bird does not mean that you cannot participate!! 

also, the team you choose has nothing to do with what you have to draw! if you join nightmare you don't have to draw edgy things and vice versa. teams are just a fun way to sort the players, and you only have to match your team if you want to!!

good luck to all and im sure this year will be an amazing one!! c: see you all in the fray!