Posted by Rainy on 20 June 2020 06:20:17 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Art Fight 2020 Theme Reveal and Early Bird Registration

Hello everyone, are you excited for Art Fight yet? You should be, because we have some nice surprises coming up!

Theme Reveal
It’s become a tradition to animate a short video revealing the theme. This year, we revealed the 2020 Art Fight theme on stream. If you missed the stream, find the video here! We chose to spice things up this year and also incorporated a summer/autumn kind of feeling to the themes. We hope you like them! 

Early Bird Registration - Pick your team!
Yes, as we stated before, you will be able to pick your team early by clicking on this google form and following the instructions. Please be aware that you won’t get on your team immediately, it will take some time to process. The form will close before July 1st. 

If you want to get further updates, make sure you join our Discord Server to get fast announcements. As well, check out our Twitter

Maturity Filters Update
Upon feedback from you, we’ll be slightly revamping the maturity filters and their rules. You’ll see an announcement for that later on! 

Ratings Update 
We’re proud to announce that the rating system got a big update! You’ll see a variety of new options when rating an attack. Please be sure to look over the Attack Guide before making an attack to see where your art may fall!

Here are some of the changes made for this year:

  • There is a new overarching Attack Type section, which includes "Drawing", "3D Modeling" and "Crafts!"  These will offer different options in the drop down menu, and will have relevant scorings.

  • The new Craft category allows you to chose from: Textile, Clay, Heavy-Metal Work, Food Art, Bead Work, and Paper Craft. 

  • The new 3D Modeling category lets you choose from Model or Sculpt, Texture types, and Lighting types.

  • Animation now has two parts for scoring. The length, and technique. Technique allows you to choose between Frame-By-Frame, Tweening/Stop-Motion, and 3D animation. 

  • There is a new Polish check-mark. This allows you to give your attack bonus points for any extra effort you may have put into your piece! 

  • Single-Tone Shading and Multi-Tone Shading have been combined into one Fully-Shaded category. 

  • Simple Scene and Complex Scene have been combined into one Scene category. 

  • Painting has been moved from the Finish category to the Coloring category.

  • Point numbers have been rebalanced all around!

Dark Mode
As you may have noticed, we now have a dark theme available! We did switch everyone to this theme temporarily, but you're more than welcome to change back to light theme here. 

We hope you are as excited as we are for Art Fight 2020! Let’s make this a good year. 

Comments (635)

Good luck everyone! 
What time does Artfight start? :0

edit; nevermind i looked on previous comments LOL
Second art fight this year! I'm on team Sugar and good luck to the opposing team! ^^ <33
What timezone is artfights turnover?
Hyped for my first art fight!! Have fun everyone!!
Fallen_for_Love if you know their username, you can just paste it in place of yours in the url and hit enter. as far as just searching, that's a feature that i believe is reserved for donators, due to the strain on the servers it causes.
Can anyone help me with finding users? No idea how I find a certain user on here
_rkrts you will still be able to participate, but your team will be randomly assigned. i believe you CAN then request to switch teams, but i'm not sure how long it takes or if there's a limit to how many times you can do that.
good luck everyone! i missed the earlybird picking ugh but oh well djhhfdf
_rkrts said:
i didn't register early! it's july now, will i still be able to register?
DementedxTitanx you're not stupid! you can ping users you want to respond to by typing their name with an @ in front of it.
how do I reply to people’s comments? I feel stupid for not knowing lol
(also I’m excited !!)
Kiteoddbitecod (and everyone else asking) artfight will start at noon, mountain time. that is 11 hours from the time i posted this comment!
When and in which timezone does Art Fight start? in PST, right now it is 7/1/2020 at 12:09 am and I cannot attack.