Posted by Rainy on 6 March 2021 05:49:33 AM (Edited by Rainy 5 months ago)
Hello Art Fighters! 
The team has been hard at work revising our site rules. We heard your concerns loud and clear, and with your suggestions in mind, we have changed and added a lot. This includes the new category "Spirit of Art Fight", made to ensure a positive and kind environment. We'd like to ask you to read through the entire rules page again to avoid accidentally breaking any rules! 

You can read the rules here.

Asides from that, you should start seeing more updates from the team as we get closer to the fight! We will be announcing changes done to the attack and maturity ratings in the coming months, amongst other exciting things! 

We hope that you are excited for Art Fight 2021, and enjoy these new rules. If you have any questions regarding the rules, please comment below! 

Comments (85)

I'm happy to see all the updates on the rules, thank you for your hard work! I'm specially pleased by the Spirit of Art Fight rule number 7, since last year I saw lots of people being aggressive, combative and mocking towards the opposite team. I get that people get competitive but AF should be about having fun and sharing art, and I imagine some people left last year's event with a sour taste in their mouth due to some people's attitude. Hopefully this rule helps avoid a situation like that this year!
Fellefan Achievements are not yet done, but they will be before the 2021 event! There'll be an announcement once they've all been handed out :-) 
how does the spirit of art fight > rule 6 work with the worm attacks? or in general where folks draw a chibi / very simple character like 200 times

edit/ otherwise, ya guys put good thought in these! highlighting the fact its supposed to be fun event with art and characters instead of stress competition is great 👍
julmu said:
It’s so nice to hear from you! Such a pleasant reminder that there is something nice to look forwards to.
That art is super cute
Awesome! I like all of these updates, and now I'm getting hyped up oooo!
I use art fight regularly to keep track of my characters so it was awesome to finally hear some kind of news (even if its just general things). Excited for 2021 art fight!
oh man it's already time to start working on ref sheets isn't it? I'm so excited to see all this year has to offer, it was honestly such a huge pick me up last year!
Fellefan said:
neato! ^u^ do we have an estimate about achievements? 
oof i better get to working on finally drawing proper ref sheets for my monster girls ahah
Babygirl said:
woo the rules feel a lot more clear now! :D love the new spirit of artfight category too <3 
sounds good ! ovo)d *thumbs up*
(Alter Mike speaking here) Woooooo I'm so excited for this year's art fight. We'll definitely be planning out all our proper reference sheets here!