Posted by Rainy on 1 June 2021 08:18:37 PM (Edited by Axel 2 years ago)

Art Fight Start Date

As always, Art Fight 2021 will be starting on July 1st at 12:00 pm US Mountain time. Make sure you prepare yourself by updating your characters and bookmarking some characters early! Like last year, there will be an option to choose your team before the fight, after the theme reveal.

Discord Sponsored Event + Theme Reveal

We are partnering up with Discord to provide you guys with an exciting event on our Discord Server, utilizing Discord’s new stage channel. For those unfamiliar, a stage channel is kinda like zoom without the video and screen sharing. There are speakers and users can raise their hand to speak.

We are hosting an Interview + Ask Me Anything (AMA) event on June 24th at 5:00 pm Mountain time. We will be interviewing various staff of different roles about their time and experience with Art Fight. 
Those who are interested in the inner workings of Art Fight should join as there will be some opportunities to ask them questions yourself! There will be plenty of Art Fight premium giveaways too, wink wink. 

At 6:00 pm Mountain Time, we will switch over from the event to our Twitch stream to watch the 2021 Art Fight Theme Reveal on our Twitch! The theme reveal is an annual animation made by our lovely artist Axel that reveals each years theme. Mark your calendars!  After the reveal, we will release a google form which will allow you to pick your team. On July 1st, you’ll automatically be placed on that team. The advantage to registering early is that you get to pick your team. If you don’t, you will have to wait until July 1st to get yourself registered, and will not be able to pick the team.

Other Updates…

Site Rule Updates

Quick reminder that we recently updated our rules as of March. Please take the time to read through them, as a lot of changes were made!

100 Character Limit

Starting with the next site update, we will be reinstating the 100 active character limit. This decision was made because profiles with more characters than this were becoming difficult to moderate, and having no limit on characters uploaded can greatly increase the number of images Art Fight needs to host.

In addition to this change, there will be a new "Character Archiving" feature that will allow you to "keep" characters beyond this limit. Archived characters will not be attackable and will have minimal profiles, but their names and any attacks made on them will still be visible to users. Archived characters may later be restored to an active profile, though they will need to have images and text re-added. More information on archiving will come when the feature releases.

Not to be confused with the user character limit, we have also added a limit to the total amount of characters able to be added to attacks. There is now a hard limit of 100 characters per attack.

Ratings Update


Character Filter Update

We will be releasing updates in regards to Art Fight’s character filter guide in the upcoming weeks! 

Tips and Tricks Page

We have a little treat for art beginners or those who seek some nifty tips for art making! We now have a "Tips and Tricks" page where you will find: 
- Tips for drawing on computers, tablets, phones, or on paper
- Free art software for computers, tablets and phones + free 3D software
- How to set up an ideal character page

The traditional art section will be fleshed out some more over the coming weeks, along with some tips for crafting too! 
We hope you find it useful. ♥

New Moderators

We’d like to welcome some of our new moderators joining us this year! Please give a big welcome to… 

Comments (246)

-purr- said:
Y E S Y E S Y E S it’s my first year participating in artfight and I am h y p e d  >:3
H Y P E !
I'm so incredibly exited as ever; truly looking forward to this year's event! : D
Cawziiku said:
HYPE! Only my second year doing Art Fight, cant wait to get into it again >:)
Hey_Wolf said:
Oooh so excited! I'm taking a break from Discord and Twitch but I am hyped nonetheless ;)
Sooo hyped
uunicorn said:
Wouldn't touch Discord with a barge pole but I hope the site will be updated around the same time as the reveal, hyped
citroken said:
So excited for the reveal! I'm also looking forward to reading some tips and tricks. I love that ArtFight is sharing software and information for general artists and stuff that would help improve profiles for ArtFight. So many fun things being added and constantly improved and it's only going to be my second year participating! I also want to warmly welcome the new moderators :)
So hyped for July! Cant wait for the teams reveal >:D
i like the new pages - i feel those may come in handy! (a little upset about the 100 character limit, considering i have around 400 characters in total, but i understand why it's in effect.)

regardless, i'm excited to find out what the new teams will be, and of course for the event itself to start - i was a little unprepared last time, but i feel like i've been about ready since march now.
AAHH I'm so excited!!! Also thank you guys for always working to improve the site!!
Paintings got nerfed. Rip 😭
DUUUDE THIS IS EPIC! IM SO EXCITED FOR JULY! I'm mentally preparing for creating my revenges...come at me >:D