Posted by Rainy on 1 July 2021 06:27:10 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)

Welcome, Art Fighters! The time has finally come.

Joining the event
To join a team, click the "current event" button on the top right. You'll be able to be sorted into a team from there! 
For more information about the fight, check out our About and FAQ page. 

To attack someone, click the submit tab on the top left to be taken to the attack submission page.
When posting attacks, make sure you check if anything need to be filtered. You can check via our nifty Maturity Guide.
If you are having trouble understanding how to rate your attack, make sure to check out our Attack Guide.

If you have additional questions, get in contact with a moderator or join our Discord server.



Team Badges

To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic on your Art Fight profile! If you need help with adding them to your profile, click here.

Theme Reveal

If you haven't already seen the 2021 theme reveal video, you can watch it here

Getting and switching teams is now easier

Rolling for a team via the button will still get you a random team, weighted towards the team that has the least fighters at the moment. BUT, you can now easily switch to your desired team during the event. You have 2 team switches. You can also become a spectator again at any time if you should not want to participate in the fight anymore while the event is still active. An alternative to becoming spectator is to hide all your characters. This way you keep your team color, but no one can attack you. Switching to spectator and back again does not use up a team switch. This means Administrators will NOT be doing team switches for any reasons this year, as the button can be used instead.

Friendly Fire now gives 20% of the full score instead of 0

We wanted to give a little boost to those who want to attack their fellow team-members, but in a way that would not get in the way of the competitiveness and spirit of the game. So we hope those of you who like to attack anyone in their way regardless of team will enjoy this one! The percentage may change next year, as this is a trial run!

The points will be higher this year!

We have upgraded the math of the point system! Expect higher scores! We also worked on balancing the points related to type and character amount. We hope you like the change! Keep in mind our point system will likely need some more tweaks the upcoming years, so nothing is set in stone. If you notice anything strange or have feedback, there will be a form at the end of the fight that you can fill out!

Animation ratings have been changed

This year we have added Animatics as a category! We have also changed up how to rate your Animation Type! The ratings now depend on how much of the character is animated. Characters can be added the amount of times they show up in different scenes, not counting recycled/re-used scenes. In addition, we now have an option for when only the background is animated. You can check out the changes here.

You will not see which team is in the lead the last 48 hours of the fight

As you know, staff take some days at the end of the fight to go through reports on the site and correct ratings so the team scores are correct. This is one of the reasons why we will be hiding the total team scores at the end of the fight for the last 48 hours, like we did last year. You will still be able to see individual scores of yourself and others, just not the bar that shows which team is in the lead. You can still make attacks, as the fight will still not be over yet! (The fight ends 1st of August 12pm MDT.)


Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:

Art Fight 2020 Achievements

2020 Achievements are here!

Spice Loyal - Sugar Loyal - Traitor - 2020 Winner

Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.
View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here


Comments (129)

Gayson_the_nonbinary This link takes you to the sorting page where you can get your team. The fight's only just begun, you're not late!
I'm unsure how to join a team, this is my first year of art fight and i think im late
Kahusada said:
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mega Chin
Pansear said:
Good luck everyone!
This is my first year! Good luck and have fun everyone! ^^
Goodluck everyone !!!!!! Have fun :D
Wonderful work on the artfight achievements for 2020.
vync said:
leporite said:
good luck everyone !!!!!!
Dotka said:
The hype is real! Have fun everyone and I hope to see you about!
I'm so hyped for this year's art fight! This is gonna be great!!! 
Can't wait to see my first art fight! Eeeeee good luck everyone!! ^^