Posted by Rainy on 11 February 2022 01:59:30 AM (Edited by Rainy 9 months ago)
Hello Artfighters! 

The time to choose the Art Fight 2022 theme has come. To vote, please visit the Google Form below to submit your vote. 

Before you do, here's a few things to remember: 

  • You only have ONE vote. Unlike the first poll, you can't vote multiple times. 
  • You may edit your response after voting. Just visit the same google form under the same email. 
  • You'll receive an email once you vote with your answer! 

* New: 
The form is now closed and the theme for 2022 has been picked! Stay tuned for more details. 

Comments (1166)

I’ve had 11 months to prep my reference sheets and my genius self decides to cram them in now AAAAGH!

I’m excited tho!
aaaaAAAHHHHH release the theme already i am buzzing /lh /j
Anyone know the theme options? I missed them :/

can't wait what the teams are gonna be :D
very excited to find out what the theme will be! iirc, the teams are revealed and people can pick theirs on the last few days of june, right?
Really?? I've had this account since April and have been wondering when or where you could vote for the next theme and now I find out I JUST missed it? ;-;
does anyone know what the themes were to choose from?! i missed the theme vote D:
Here we go woop woop! Year 2 essketet!!!
Julief said:
Very cool!
excited for my first artfight heheh
hey gang >:)
I hope art fight will help me enjoy my hobby again ;_; Excited for the theme! Art fight is overall such a cool idea.
TakFlake said:
I’m so excited for my first artfight! I voted on the theme wayyy back, but I’m still excited to see!