Posted by Axel on 11 September 2023 12:05:28 AM (Edited by Axel 4 months ago)

Hey, Art Fighters
We wanted to update you about the Leadership Transition newspost. As stated in the 2023 Winner newspost, the Leadership Transition newspost was supposed to be released late August.
We have ran into unavoidable delays regarding the legal process of transferring Art Fight and so the Leadership Transition newspost has been affected. We will work as hard as we can to get it out in a timely manner, while respecting the sensitive legal process.
Thank you all for your patience.

Comments (173)

People need to chill. It's better to hold off on updates while stuff is still up in the air, especially when legal things are involved. It's better to make an accurate announcement, than to make a timely one.
no idea what the owner did or anything about the drama buuuuut 
Remember, theyre WORKING on the transition, we dont need more drama here so please understand and be patient before sending comments with no evidence towards people who clearly understand the situation
taxiicab said:
art fight owners when they make a PR move
okay, thanks for the update! do your best :D

this was my first year participating. if it's my last, i'll SHIT MYSELF /j
Thanks for the update 👍
malepatternbaldness Echo_Doodles it's not like the current owners were in control of that, they're working with an already fucked up situation, just give it time.
Pay the coder and put money into the website next 💀🗣
MishaChu said:
yeah I love being kept in the absolute dark about everything. go girl give us nothing!!
PatiSilence it’s not really a nothing post bc It refers to a legal matter, it might not be relevant to you but it’s clearly relevant to anyone worried about the current controversies (if y’all don’t know what I’m talking about then pls Google it)
everyone said:
Thank you for sharing this update regarding the Leadership Transition newspost! I understand that the legal processes involved in transferring Art Fight can be intricate and time-consuming... and I truly appreciate your transparency in this matter! <3 I wanted to thank the entire staff team, including the admins, developers, coders, and moderators, for their hard work and commitment to Art Fight's community!

I wish the entire Art Fight team the best of luck in overcoming these delays and successfully completing the Leadership Transition. Your efforts are valued, and I eagerly await the newspost! The Art Fight community is here to support you every step of the way.

I eagerly await the Leadership Transition newspost and the changes. Not out of impatience or anything, but rather the community's genuine concern and interest in the future of Art Fight. But, we are excited to see how these leadership changes will shape the community we love. Additionally, we eagerly look forward to the feedback form that will provide us with an opportunity to share our thoughts and insights. We wanted to know that our voices will be heard and considered as part of this transition.

Thank you once again for your dedication to Art Fight and for keeping us informed. I look forward to the upcoming developments and continue to have the utmost confidence in the team's abilities. <3
Thanks for the public update. Hoping you all can get this transition done quickly, cleanly and as hassle-free as possible, for your own sakes. We Art Fighters will continue to be patient and dedicated to the Art Fight :)
mawbyte agreed
Good luck
faeyism said:
good luck