Posted by Axel on 11 September 2023 12:05:28 AM (Edited by Axel 4 months ago)

Hey, Art Fighters
We wanted to update you about the Leadership Transition newspost. As stated in the 2023 Winner newspost, the Leadership Transition newspost was supposed to be released late August.
We have ran into unavoidable delays regarding the legal process of transferring Art Fight and so the Leadership Transition newspost has been affected. We will work as hard as we can to get it out in a timely manner, while respecting the sensitive legal process.
Thank you all for your patience.

Comments (173)

Brenilla said:
All good, thanks for letting us go, legal proceedings do be… hopefully proceeding
best of luck
omg i love legal proceedings
yungdab said:
omg i love legal proceedings
omg i love legal proceedings
I had a feeling this was why things got delayed, hence why I didn’t comment. I trust that information regarding the situation will be addressed in due time. Much love!
better late than never... i guess. dunno why it took so long to just tell us things were delayed. still confused about the feedback forums too.
I already suspected legal procedures delaying updates. I'm not going to echo what everyone else is saying and instead be direct and not expect much of a response, but I'm still waiting on the feedback form to become available. 
It's okay, take all the time you need!! I hope you have a good day!!! <DDD
Thank you for the update, will be waiting. 
It's all good..take whatever time you need to!
Thanks for the update!! Take ur time and don't stress urself out I hope everyone is alright
I'm so glad we finally got an update as I was really starting to worry. Thank you so much for giving us a heads up! Take all the time you need! Stay safe and healthy! 
Catdark said:
thanks for the update!! Okay Take your good luck 
Mokusai said:
We thank you for the update, I hope that we will not be left in the dark for too long.