Posted by Axel on 11 September 2023 12:05:28 AM (Edited by Axel 4 months ago)

Hey, Art Fighters
We wanted to update you about the Leadership Transition newspost. As stated in the 2023 Winner newspost, the Leadership Transition newspost was supposed to be released late August.
We have ran into unavoidable delays regarding the legal process of transferring Art Fight and so the Leadership Transition newspost has been affected. We will work as hard as we can to get it out in a timely manner, while respecting the sensitive legal process.
Thank you all for your patience.

Comments (173)

Thank you for the update!! Not at all surprised these are some serious convos y’all have to be having. Take care of yourselves- and take your time! Please put your best foot forward with this!
AlexDayz said:
Where's the missing money 
take your time!!!!!
Thanks for the update! Hope thing get sorted out soon
Ah, ty for the update! I hope staff & everyone is doing alright!!
Xiemphi said:
Thank you for the update, I'm very relieved to hear at least something. Good luck!
KristKC said:
Thanks for the update.  I hope it gets worked out 
Good luck!! Take care y'all <3
hara said:
i like that the comment counter glitched so it just says 0
good luck with the transition! make sure you take your time and do your best!! i hope everyone (both the people who work on AF and those who are members on the site) has a wonderful day!! \(’’^_^’’)/
Thanks for the update! I can understand that the legal process can take a while. Good luck with everything! 
Good luck! I know how exhausting legal stuff can be .. I hope yall are taking care of yourselves ♥️