Posted by Rainy on 25 July 2018 01:12:37 AM (Edited by Rainy 6 years ago)
Hey everyone!
This is just a quick announcement to say that we are extending Art Fight 7 days to make up for the site being down for the first days. We're sorry about that again!
To clarify, Art Fight will be ending on August 8th, 5:00PM US Mountain (AF time) / 7:00PM US Eastern. The front page has been updated to reflect that. 

Some other things to note: 
  • Don't worry about not getting achivements. We'll definitely make sure you have them in the end. 

  • There's no promise about the search coming back, as it was contributing to the slowness of the site, but for now you can find characters by browsing Coffee's Team Page and Tea's Team Page. You can also ask others in the Discord for characters to draw. We hope you understand! 

  • Some of you have asked what happens when Art Fight ends. When the event ends, the winning team receives a cool badge and bragging rights! You will lose the ability to attack, but you can still interact with others and upload characters. We host some cool minigames on the Discord and also host a Secret Santa! 

  • Also, a reminder that If you see any attacks or characters that are inappropriate or not rated properly, please report them! This helps the Attack Mod team a lot. 

  • Don't forget to check out the official AF2018 stamps on our DeviantART! &

  • Comments (54)

    Is the Secret Santa event hosted on this site or on Discord?
    COOL!! NO, SO COOL!!! Lol i was confused for a bit :"D
    thank ggod
    Yo!! That's great dude! Thanks for the extension, this would make up for me joining so late!
    starfast said:
    This is great news! Thank you for the extension and for all the hard work you guys are doing
    Rainy said:
    VenaPrincess the life of the party one? a lot of the characters are actually half body and so they were changed to that. Also, your ratings may have changed as well
    Hey I was just checking my points and I'm missing nearly 600? Is this a bug from the latest update? I have around 600 which I know is wrong because I worked for 3 weeks on an 810 point piece.
    BLESS. I have Like, 11 attacks yet to finish aaahhhhhh
    Thank you I joined at a late time so this is great~!
    Thank you for the extension!! Means I'll be able to draw for more peeps <333
    oh, i was wondering where the search feature had gone. it was extremely useful when i wanted to search for certain kinds of characters so when i was finally able to get on this year it not being there confused me

    Thanks for extending
    fihsei said:
    Thank you so much for all your hardwork! 
    Awesome news! I usually rely on the random character button to find targets anyway. Thanks for the extension! 
    Brox said:
    Thank you guys for all your hard work making this site stay afloat!
    I've been having some major art block the last week and half so this is great to hear!