Posted by deactivated7 on 22 January 2017 01:58:32 AM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
Here you have it, folks! This is our last and final poll to determine the teams for the up-coming, 2017 fight!
Once again, you have one week to vote in the poll!
Please remember that teams will remain secret until the fight begins, and do not ask staff for the winning teams intending on getting a serious answer.
Ready? Set? Go!

Comments (40)

zirbunni said:
i never voted in the poll but it says i did when i click the link??
Biscuit said:
Sorry for the late response! I hadn't noticed your comment. 
As for the poll, the results are a secret until the event starts! 
We're hoping to start the event in July/August! 
So what came out of the poll? and when are we starting?
Biscuit said:
Getting closer! We're aiming for July/August! 
When is the next art fight? c:
Biscuit said:

As of right now, there isn't really a formal place for  suggestions on site (Though, maybe we should have that!). Instead, we mostly have been taking suggestions through the survey that was related at the end of Art Fight, as well as the #AF-Suggestions channel over on the Discord chat. 
Though, comments here is really fine too! 

Anyway, as for character rearrangement, you for sure are not alone for wanting this! It is a suggestion we have gotten, and has been reviewed for implementation on the site. 

Thank you so much for the suggestion and wanting to see Art Fight grow! 
Gecko998 said:
Is there any formal ways to give you our ideas for artfight?
Or do we just post a comment somewhere?
(Anyway, I'm wondering if there will be a way to rearrange my characters)
Ah great! ^^ Thank you!
Biscuit said:
Hi there! Welcome to Art Fight! I hope you have an awesome experience during the event! 
As of now, nothing gets reset and all art will still be stored on your page. 
So feel free to start posting character profiles now and get yourself set up for the fight! I can't wait to see your characters! <3 
Hi this was my first art fight and I can't wait to try and join in next year, but I have a question
I saw people uploading new characters on here and was curious, when the new game is up, does everything sort of reset? :0
Like, all art, characters, etc. you've submitted on here are removed so you get a clean slate for the next game? Or are just the art attacks removed?
I just want to know if that happens or not before I submit my own characters on here early ^^
Arcamira said:
Not entirely sure how this works, but looking forward to it anyway.
I can't wait to participate in my first fight!
thanks Biscuit looking forward to it! 
Biscuit said:
We're hoping to start the event in July!
when will it start??? i missed the vote ;3;