
Last edited by admin, 1 June 2024 11:58:08 AM
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General Information

About What is Art Fight and how does it work?

Rules What is and isn't allowed on the website, user conduct, and event balancing.

FAQ Answers to the most commonly asked questions. Read this before asking a moderator for help.

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Support Art Fight Fiancially supporting Art Fight will also give you perks depending to the amount you give. Such as discord perks, exclusive discord channels, access to CSS customization, and getting featured on the yearly event banner!

Profile Customization

Official Art Assets

User-made Art Assets

Official Premade CSS Themes

Guide to BBCode and CSS BBCode is the default code our text boxes use on comments, profiles, and characters. CSS code lets you change the layout, colors, and visuals of your entire profile. (Note: CSS is a $25 supporter perk.)


Attack Ratings How to rate your art for the event. Whether you are making a digital or traditional drawing, a 3D model, or a physical craft; the guide has examples of each rating type.

Maturity Filters Examples of when to filter your characters and art when it contains gore, body horror, nudity, sexual themes, eyestrain, and sensitive content. Art Fight is a pg-13 site, explicit NSFW and sexual content is EXTRICTLY PROHIBITED.


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Credits List of active staff, former staff, and contributors to Art Fight.

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