Posted by Takaia on 20 August 2016 05:52:09 PM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
We're working very hard to optimize everything on the server, but seeing as we scheduled the fight to start in 9 minutes from now, we might need a little more time to work things out. Thanks for all your wonderful support and patience!

Comments (24)

Take your time! Were all excited and appreciate your hard work! 
We can be patient <3 
oxime said:
don't worry about it!! thank you for doing all this //v\\
oxime said:
don't worry about it!! thank you for doing all this //v\\
Cannot wait for start
crybee said:
thats fine! im so proud of all yall for your hard work !!
Keep up the nice work guys! I can't wait!
Thank you guys for working so hard on this! Super excited!<3
That's alright, happy to see its happening at all! Thanks for doing your best!
Thanks for all your hard work guys!