Posted by Takaia on 3 August 2017 06:04:13 PM (Edited by Takaia 2 years ago)
To end another great round of Art Fight. Please stay tuned as we make some last-minute adjustments and make sure everything is in order. This may take a while, but you should hear from us by the end of the day Art Fight time at the latest. Also please be aware that the winner of Sun vs Moon isn't official until our announcement later. 

In the meantime, you can go tell us your theme ideas for next year (please no joke ones, the first couple can be funny but when there's tons it gets old) or chat with us while we do our last minute house cleaning.

Comments (240)

Past vs future
Nature vs technology
Red vs blue
Coffee vs tea 
Summer vs Winter
Fall vs Spring
Art vs Science

Hope some of these inspire someone!!
this was quite fun i'm not really used to attacking since it was my first year (i only did 8 ) i know i will do more next year though!
Some suggestions:
Life and Death
Fire and Ice 
Land and Sea 
gelatto said:
ghosts vs monsters
angels vs demons
sweet vs sour?
i loved this year ^_^
I honestly like Eutopia VS Dystopia?
Just because it's kinda like the Capitol versus the Districts in The Hunger Games.
Zheffari said:
AAAA NOOOO I literally just finished an attack but now I can't submit it hecking heck

anyway maybethe next theme culd be Air (or land) vs Water?
Toxic said:
TheArticPegasus 'Love this of your ideas : Dragons vs Unicorns / Heros vs Villans / Kittens vs Puppies
♥ o/
my suggestion would be: Monocrome vs. Color

I also like the Fire vs. Ice suggestions and the Sugar vs. Spice
Heroes vs. Villains is an amazing idea ( TheArticPegasus) and Time vs. Space is very clever ( PixelatedRainbow)
Lastly I really dig Tea vs. Coffee ( Coffeeandsketchin)
starrzi said:
Steampunk vrs. Scifi!!
I think tea vs coffee would be cool!
Idakatta said:
I would love to see Cats vs Dogs

This was amazing
I got in alot of practice because of this event 
This was the best place for my first art fight!!it makes me wanna take comissi9ns now XD

How abouuuutttt...
Light vs Dark
Winter vs Summer
Lazy vs Active?
Ah I came up with sugar vs spice!!
This year of art fight was my first, but judging by the reaction of my friends, it's also the best! Thank you guys so much for making this month the best! Also, I love the idea of Fire vs Ice and of Pirates vs Ninjas, but what about Dogs vs Cats?
YARASA2K said:

i was gonna say past vs future but its already used lmao
how about vampires vs werewolves?
or white vs black?