Posted by Takaia on 4 August 2017 05:25:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
We diligently skimmed through your attacks looking for stuff like missed duplicates and making sure we got the blob characters fixed. We were hoping that by doing so, it would cause the score to trend in an obvious direction, but instead throughout the day it went back and forth. Since the score so close even now, I've decided the mods need more time to go through everything so that we make sure the final verdict is fair. I've also decided that they need some rest as well, so we're delaying our final call. I appreciate your patience. Please also note that your chance to report any incorrectly rated attacks has also been extended a little bit, and you're encouraged to do so!
Thank you all so much for participating in Art Fight this year! I'm so happy you're here.
- Takaia

Comments (63)

You're welcome! Can't wait to see who ended up winning. (But, of course, it's not about winning, it's about fun!)
Dorkface said:
At Art Fight, everyone's a winner!

(And I second all that's been said- thanks, guys!)
I agree with Zeruk ! Though it would be fun to see which team won, I'm not playing for the wins, I'm playing to expand my artistic skills, and I achieved that, so I'm happy either way!
First yeat taking year taking part and i loved every single bit of it, and it was so much fun! 
I had a great time this year! It was so fun to see other people's characters.
this was my 1st participation of ArtFight
I'm having so much fun especially to those who fought with me
I hope ya'll have a great day
Zeruk said:
Tbh I am not really playing for the wins XD I am playing this because I love being attacked and it does feel rather cool to attack others and receive (mostly anyways) their nice responses (if they bother ;-;').

Take your time! That has gotta be alot of work
Hey, if anybody wants to be the equalizer, I still haven't gotten attacked yet. XD

But seriously, it's been fun attacking in this art fight, and that one time I was attacked felt nice too. ^~^
Reima said:
Surprise xD Something where I am in the winning half is almost a tie. Like usual~ Tough times
exciting! this is my first time, it's been great thanks so much! 
We can wait!
This was my first year on artfight.
I am sure i will comeback on next year!
This has been such a fun month, and it got me out of my year long art block so it's been really amazing to take part in this (never even heard of it before this year). Can't wait to take part again next year, and whoever wins, it's been amazing from both sides ^^
kotamyn said:
my first year on artfight and it was amazing :D!

thank you for the wonderful year of art fight and i hope to see everyone next year
mathilda said:
Everyone was working so hard. Either side would deserve the win.
thank you, everyone, that you made it such great experience.
naviwavi said:
I think it would be funny if it ends in a tie xD
It would be a cliche happy ending