Posted by Rainy on 21 March 2018 09:24:55 PM (Edited by Rainy 6 years ago)
As some of you might realize, the Art Fight rating system is not flawless, and needs some improvements. So in an attempt to improve the attack rating system, we were hoping to get some user feedback via surveys! There are currently 2 surveys you can take. 

How do you categorize attacks?

This survey consists of 22 attacks that you will be categorizing yourself. Please categorize the following art pieces based on how YOU think they fit each category. Please do not refer to Art Fight's category guide for this survey. We want to see how you categorize attacks by your own standards. You can take the survey here.

How do you want to see attacks categorized?

In this survey we're trying to gather information about how people feel about our current categorization system as well as get everyone's opinion on potential changes. Take the survey here.

Thank you for participating in our surveys! Your feedback is extremely valuable to us. 

Comments (28)

lurkie said:
That first poll was so helpful cause at times it does get confusing what one thing could be considered for another :,D
Uluri said:
o.o I feel these are extremely important Polls. There are some ideas I'm very concerned about in the second one. 
Also, I'd be glad to do more polls. i actually enjoy sitting down for polls. 
Spacef0x said:
Ikayuro said:
So glad to see that there's still so much love behind this project. Took both.
Zala said:
Taken! The second one was a little tricky for me, but I think these will be useful!
I love that you guys come to us about improvements. It's really nice to know you care what we think. <3 
Both surveys taken! Glad to be of help.
cedes said:
Surveys taken! I love filling these guys out~~
Stereo said: