Posted by Takaia on 23 June 2018 02:37:04 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
We ended up having to do it by hand again after all the waiting >_< . Because of this, we were bound to make mistakes, unfortunately. If you don't have an achievement you qualify for, check the following requirements and make absolutely sure you actually qualify for the achievement:

- to get the Winner and Team Moon achievements, you must have made at least one attack for team moon and currently still be marked as team moon (light blue username)

- to get the Team Sun achievement, you must have made at least one attack for team sun and currently still be marked as team sun (yellow/orange username)

- to get any achievements for number of attacks, your current total number of attacks must be that number or greater. The available number of attacks achievements are:

   1 attack, 10 attacks, 35 attacks, 75 attacks

100 attacks, 150 attacks, and 250 attacks

To check what achievements you have, go to this URL and replace [USERNAME] with your username:[USERNAME]/stats . Hover over each picture for a description of what the achievement is for if you need to.

If you still think you're missing achievements you qualify for, please report yourself from your profile page. Title the report with "Missing achievements: [USERNAME]" (again, replace [USERNAME] with your username. ) Do not ask for achievements you didn't earn. We will be checking to make sure you earned them!

We are really busy right now, so failure to follow these instructions could result in your report getting ignored or at least very delayed. Getting impatient and sending in duplicate reports will also have these consequences. Keep this in mind.

Comments (40)

Espernia said:
you guys distributed it all by hand? that must of been hard, dang!
Blv-Wavx said:
This is my first time doing art fight aaa I cant wait!!
Ikayuro said:
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Kaenisei said:
Ohh that's cool
And will the other attack achievements be awarded automatically during this fight or afterwards? o:
Aiight cool~
I've been getting pretty hyped over the past few days, July is so close!
Biscuit said:
KrysDrawing They are combined! 
LavaWolf Yep! Attack achievements stack over the years.
I'm assuming the attack achievements count the over all attacks? I doubt anyone would be able to reasonably crank out 250 attacks in one month 0.o
Does the attacks will be mixed with 2017's ones? Or separated?
PillDiet said:
niidles said:
Oh haha one attack short of 35, gotta up the game this year!