Posted by Rainy on 8 August 2018 06:12:46 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)
Art Fight has ended! Thank you all for participating. 

Now that the event has ended, you won't be able to attack anymore. However, the site will still be up and you will be able to do everything but attack. 

Please give the moderators a few days to tend to reports and adjust ratings before the official winner is announced. You are encouraged to report any incorrect ratings you see! 

Comments (283)

I got pretty busy this summer, but I'm glad I still got to participate, nonetheless! I'm looking forward to next year and meeting more talented artists with awesome characters!
this was my first year on art fight! im sad that i joined so late but it was very fun and i enjoyed drawing everyones’ characters! i cant wait for next year!
SandGale said:
IT was my first time and everything was really fun! Got to meet some really talented peeps with beautiful characters!
Can't wait for next year!
Plumasa said:
This was my fist Art Fight and it has been very exciting! I'll be back next year
I'll be here next year! Come and get me if you can!!! 
Can't wait for next year!
Neat-O said:
This was my first artfight and it was amaizing and fun, cant wait for next year artfight
ShadyBat said:
I don't think I can wait till next year.... 
BTW This was my first artfight and IT WAS EPICCCC (even though I joined on like august 1st)
Definitely coming back next year
So fun!!! I’m definitely gonna do this next year
Coming back next year for sure!
snotman said:
This was an amazing year for me! 
My first and I hope not to be the last! This year has been very memorable and I hope we can go better next year! Cant wait
Thank you for an amazing year everybody! 
welp that was fun : ) definitely  doing it next year  
This was really fun! Can't wait for next year!
This was a good year, wished I was a bit more active though.
But overall I had a great time. 
Can’t wait for next year.