Posted by deactivated7 on 25 August 2016 10:13:46 AM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
Hey guys! We’re coming up on almost a week of being a live site and we wanted to give you all a look at some features to come, as well as an update on known bugs!

Many of you have noticed that there’s an Achievements tab! What’s this for, you ask?
Achievements are currently completely unavailable as we don’t have any badges ready for them yet, but this year’s badge artist is Morichinatsu! We’ve got at least eight badges planned for this year, and once they’re all finished, we’ll make another news post and start handing them out. They will be given out completely manually, and most at the end of the fight, however. We’ll give you some more information once they’re all ready, though!

Suggestions & Ideas
As some of you may know, we have a Discord server setup and in that server, we have the channel #suggestions. This channel serves as place to suggest possible features and ways to make the site better. There are many common suggestions that we are noticing pop up a lot… And many of these are great ideas that we hope to implement in the future! Some of these suggestions include:
  • Random character feature

  • A “Like” or “Favorite” function

  • Direct comment replies

  • Profile commenting

  • Character organization and rearrangement function

  • Content box made available for non Custom Species

  • Content box for “Other” filters

  • Notification clear all

  • And plenty plenty more!

  • Known bugs
    A lot of you over in our Chat have been reporting bugs and it’s fantastic what you guys have found! Here’s a list of currently known bugs that we will be working on getting fixed up for you guys, and if you notice anything else you think might be a bug, please jump on over to the discord Chat and let us know in the #bugs channel!
  • Description search doesn’t take other search options into account

  • Broken emote parsing when typing

  • Deleted attacks don’t update on receiver’s current team stat page

  • Overall battle vs Team battle point stats don’t match up

  • Deleting revenge doesn’t clear the revenge data

  • Unable to remove bookmarks on hidden or banned characters

  • Notification counts are whacky

  • Team leads by negative points

  • If you have any questions, or perhaps more suggestions, the quickest way to let us know is to join our Discord server which serves as our chat for this year.

    Thank you for reading!

    Comments (28)

    baigel said:
    Gonna mention in the Discord but it seems like there's a bug when it comes to fonts, they work in the preview but come up as the coding when the post is submitted..?
    skulldog said:
    Oh man..random button would be so fun to use!
    Character organization/folders would be what I'd most like to see on the suggestion lists. Being able to group characters from the same work setting for similar pairings in art, would be a blessing.
    @idaj that's just the filepath on your computer to the image, basically if your account on your computer is your first and last name that's why you're seeing that! for example, mine isn't named after my first and last name, mine is just under "sky" because that's what i named my account when i got my computer. no one else will see that, only you can see that. once you upload the attack all of that information goes away, it's not stored anywhere! 
    I would diffidently like to see the random character and like/favorite functions added! ; v ;
    Queijac said:
    OOOOH all those suggestions sound so good!!!
    The overall points not matching up in our statistics is due to the difference made by people rating our artwork and I kind of like being able to see that tbh. Keep it as is but maybe word it differently.
    I sometimes get notifications when a specific person I followed posts attacks or characters, but I only get notifications when this person does it. If someone else posts a character I won't get a notification. So it shows up in my activity thing, but it doesn't go from 4 to 5. Does this have to do with my settings? Or this person's settings? Sorry for the long comment I just suck at explaining haha-
    Wendiz said:
    I'll post this in the discord later but it would be cool if blocking someone would also block any kind of art (attacks) of said account's characters.
    Oh so hype for random character button !
    Not going to lie, super hype for achievements and for that random character button!
    2DFIEND said:
    me likey
    i'm excited for the achievements mm...
    @Idaj this is not a bug. If you try to upload something on any site, it grabs this information. Otherwise if it doesn't, it can't upload it. None of that information is stored, it simply grabs a copy of the image itself and uploads it.
    Whenever I try and upload, it shows ALL my information
    EX: C: *my first and last name*/ file name/ piece of art's name

    can you try to fix this? I do not want people to see my personal information when saving my art