Posted by Rainy on 5 October 2018 02:12:01 AM (Edited by Rainy 5 years ago)
Hey guys! 

Stage 1 of the Art Fight 2019 theme poll is out! However, you only have 1 month to vote in this poll! This poll will end on 5th of November. 

Click here to vote!

Comments (81)

hope vs despair
Numachii said:
dream vs nightmare is so boring hhh hope vs despair for the wiiin!
Mario vs. Luigi!!
hope vs despair!!
*Insert nightmare*
Tigereye said:
I agree with everyone, Dreams vs. Nightmares sounds the coolest!
Yunoki said:
Dreams vs. Nightmares FTW!!
Smizzy said:
I like Dreams Vs. Nightmares!!!
Wisters said:
Dreams Vs. Nightmares!!
Yes, I think Dreams Vs. Nightmares might be fun.

(Sorry I didn't participate in 2018, I was still getting the hang of it and submitting my characters.  I'll participate this year I think!)
Tofuowo said:
dreams vs nightmares uwu
scaled04 said:
ummm evil vs good sound funnnnn
Make hope vs despair a thing omg
Coke v Pepsi would be cool, also maybe sweet v sour!
tomtank said: