Posted by Rainy on 20 June 2019 07:34:57 PM (Edited by Axel 3 years ago)

Art Fight 2019 Theme Reveal and Early Bird Registration

Hello everyone, are you excited for Art Fight yet? You should be, because we have some nice surprises coming up!

Theme Reveal

We revealed the 2019 Art Fight theme on stream. If you didn't catch it, you can watch it here!

Early Bird Registration - Pick your team!l

Yes, as we stated before, you will be able to pick your team early by clicking on this google form and following the instructions. Please be aware that you won’t get on your team immediately, it will take some time to process. The form will close on June 28th at 12:00 AM MST, so make sure you fill it out beforehand!

Social Media

If you want to get further updates, make sure you join our Discord Server to get fast announcements. As well, check out our Twitter, and our DeviantArt Group!

Comments (327)

The only benefit to having an out of whack sleep schedule is when ArtFight starts at 4 am in your country
Omg I'm so excited  <3 In my country, Art Fight starts at 8pm!
timeclog said:
Awwww art fight starts at 4am where I live :(((
Aaaa my first art fight! I’m super excited!
I do have a question though :0
Is there a way to find characters of a certain team in one place? I think I’ve read something like that, but I’m not sure TwT
Also good luck to everyone!
Hi Shirobunny, ArtFight has not actually started yet, so you can't register for a team for another 8 hours or so. If you see some users already in a team, that is because they signed up on the early bird form, which is now closed. When ArtFight starts in 8 hours, you can then press the current event button and get put into a team :>
Oakiel said:
Big rip to everyone in the UK for whom it starts at 7pm
I am new and I have some trouble registering for a team. Possible I can get a bit of help please? 
Hey SilverWind25, don't worry. This years ArtFight won't actually start for another 9 hours or so, and you can actually register at any time of the year including the duration of ArtFight :> So after 9 hours, you can press the Current Event button and get sorted into a team
I didn't get it, does it mean I'm late for this year? I registered today :[
Heads up all, it'll start in about 9 hours, or at least typing "12:00pm MST" into Google gave me a time 9 hours from my timezone.
Awhh 12? That's like 7pm where I am. Ah well. Guess I'll be staying up drawing!
Sivitzie said:
oh crap oh crap
chiptid said:
Fijii said:
shadosharko it starts at 12:00 PM MST actually!
Let's do this bros. I'm assuming it'll start once all timelines are on July 1st and when they are,,, whoo boy