Posted by Pika on 30 July 2021 06:01:12 PM (Edited by Pika 2 years ago)
Howdy all! There are about 48 hours left of Art Fight 2021!!

Here's a rundown of what to expect for the end of the fight:

  • As mentioned in a previous news post, team point totals will now be hidden until the winner reveal.

  • The winner reveal and final point totals will be announced on August 15th, 2021.

  • Site moderators will spend the time between the fight's end and the reveal going through attack reports and making rating adjustments as necessary.
    You may report incorrect ratings on attacks until August 5th, 2021 at 5:00PM MDT. After this point, you will no longer be able to report attacks for incorrect ratings from Art Fight 2021.

  • There are currently no plans to extend the fight this year- the planned end date is still August 1st, 2021 at 12:00PM MDT. You can view the countdown to the end of the fight on the front page of the site.

  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your final attack- the site will likely see some slowdown in the final hour of the event, and you will not be able to submit attacks once the the clock hits 12:00PM MDT on August 1st. Staff will likewise not be able to submit attacks for you after the event ends.

  • Please note that the "Recent Attacks" section on the front page will be removed once the event ends, and won't return until next year's fight.

A few site updates were also made in the past week:

  • The size dropdown on attacks no longer defaults to "simple-shaped"- you will have to select a size from the dropdown

  • A list of filters currently on characters and attacks will be visible to all users regardless of their filter settings

  • The text editor emojis were updated to the Art Fight mascot emojis from discord

We're almost there folks! Good luck on those final attacks!!

Comments (2751)

HazardousAxel  Did you ever play the games tho 👀
kelbunny said:
We have a cat named Crookshanks and a Dog named Faith. Also, our cat likes to pretend we never feed him.
Bly1nk said:
ArsonWorm I completely agree
Kismosis said:
Mushroom_Room nothing out of the ordinary. Kids forgetting whatever little shitty prize they got, jackets, shoes, party supplies, water bottles, a whole cake once that was weird. on halloween a kid forgot his iron man mask once. i think the worst is the soiled underwear in the womens sanitary boxes in the bathroom....that sucked

Bly1nk no....i might go back tho since i lost it when the pandemic started and it was a pretty easy job. still not sure yet

Bluestarmoonstone actually it was really easy to tune out. you get used to tuning out all sorts of sounds and it can get loud in there. im mostly surprised i didnt get overstimulated all the time. im just that good at putting myself on autopilot >:)

ArsonWorm ....perhaps >:)

claynoid not at all. you wouldnt imagine how much food is wasted. i had to throw away perfectly good food all the time because it got left behind (we have take out boxes too :( ) i even watched the kitchen staff throw away an entire pizza because it was made wrong and had been sitting out for 20 minutes....a whole perfectly good pizza yeah no reusing at all. everything is as fresh as a local pizzeria
Bly1nk I have a ball python, a leopard geko and a turtle 
I’m just realizing we have transitioned from stuffed animals to real animals. I have to cats who kind of act like dogs. Love them so much
Bly1nk i have a cat named roswell, another cat named calvin and a bearded dragon named solstice :3
Mines my animal doorstop collection, I have a frog, a hedgehog and a dog, I think I have a mouse with a scarf too and I absolutely love them
Vevve said:
Yes my family members with fur are called Gemma (small dog, she likes to eat and lick my face to wake me up earlier than I wish) and two stinky bastards hamsters called Yuu and Mika
I'm so tired and fighting to stay up
Bly1nk Yesss!! I have 3 dogs and a guinea pig! I love em’ all to death >< 
I have three leopard geckos named Sam (sandwhich) Bean (jelly bean)and Cass (Casserole)
Heinlz said:
Mines ducky...he was a big fat baby duck you could use as a pillow <3