Posted by Rainy on 11 February 2022 01:59:30 AM (Edited by Rainy 9 months ago)
Hello Artfighters! 

The time to choose the Art Fight 2022 theme has come. To vote, please visit the Google Form below to submit your vote. 

Before you do, here's a few things to remember: 

  • You only have ONE vote. Unlike the first poll, you can't vote multiple times. 
  • You may edit your response after voting. Just visit the same google form under the same email. 
  • You'll receive an email once you vote with your answer! 

* New: 
The form is now closed and the theme for 2022 has been picked! Stay tuned for more details. 

Comments (1166)

miskit said:
Sunsoons said:
I didn’t get to vote in time 
Amanthy said:
Second year taking part. This is going to be fun 
kur said:
yooo i cant wait, sad i didnt get to vote in time
Stalker said:
Very sad Knights vs Dragons didn't make it. Maybe next year...
cnaaawd said:
I can’t believe I missed the form by two days!! Aw man!!!!
TheBlacKat333 The options were 
Order Vs Chaos, Heroes vs Villains, Destruction vs Creation, Artic vs Tropic, Fantasy vs Reality, Time vs Space, Bloom vs Wither, and Heart vs Soul
I voted for Bloom v Wither lol
What even were the options?
Pixelix said:
kade-magpie on the artfight youtube channel it seems to be revealed around june 20th!
does anyone know when we'll know what theme it is? this is only my second year doing artfight so i'm not really sure...
This is gonna be my first year!! Im so excited!!
my first year cant wait to rumble
I've wanted to do this for a while. This is my first year doing it. 
This is my first year Odmsjhsga I AM SO EXCITED
ARTFIGHT 2022 HYYYYPEEEE!! this is my second year taking part in artfight and last year, i was rlly lazy but THIS YEAR i plan to be as active in the fight as possible and make as many attacks as i physically can!! >:D