Posted by Pika on 30 July 2022 06:01:23 PM (Edited by Pika 6 months ago)
Time flies... there are about 48 hours left of Art Fight 2022!!

Here's what to expect for the end of the fight:

  • As established last year, team point totals will now be hidden until the winner reveal.

  • The winner reveal and final point totals will be announced on August 15th, 2022 by end of day.

  • Site moderators will spend the time between the fight's end and the reveal going through as many attack reports as they can and making rating adjustments as necessary.
    You may report incorrect ratings on attacks until August 5th, 2022 at 12:00PM MDT (18:00 UTC). After this point, you will no longer be able to report attacks for incorrect ratings from Art Fight 2022.

  • The official end date of Art Fight 2022 is August 1st, 2022 at 12:00PM MDT (18:00 UTC). You can view the countdown to the end of the fight on the front page of the site.

  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your final attack- the site will likely see some slowdown in the final hour of the event, and you will not be able to submit attacks once the the clock hits 12:00PM MDT on August 1st. Staff will likewise not be able to submit attacks for you after the event ends.

  • Please note that the "Recent Attacks" section on the front page will be removed once the event ends, and won't return until next year's fight.
We're in the homestretch now- good luck out there!!

Comments (5010)

miaou_ml said:
[justify][WIND WHISTLING][/justify][justify][BIRDS CHIRPING][/justify][justify][THUNDER RUMBLING IN DISTANCE][/justify][justify][WATER DRIPS ECHOING][/justify][justify][BATS SKITTERING][/justify][justify][HELICOPTER WHIRRING][/justify][justify][MEN YELLING INDISTINCTLY IN SPANISH][/justify][justify]We shouldn’t be here when it gets dark.[/justify][justify]Set the trap at the mouth of the cave, please.[/justify][justify][MEN SPEAKING IN SPANISH][/justify][justify][WINCES][/justify][justify]PILOT: You need a doctor?[/justify][justify][CHUCKLES SOFTLY][/justify][justify]I am a doctor.[/justify][justify]It’s impressive, don’t you think?[/justify][justify]Vampire bats weigh almost nothing, but they can down a creature nearly ten times their size.[/justify][justify][FLIES BUZZING][/justify][justify]Wow.[/justify][justify]What are you using as bait?[/justify][justify]You volunteering?[/justify][justify]Leaving.[/justify][justify][TRAP CLANKS][/justify]
[justify]Pay me now.[/justify][justify]Before the sun goes down.[/justify][justify]You throw in that bushcrafter on your belt and we have a deal.[/justify][justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][GROANS SOFTLY][/justify][justify][ALL CHITTERING][/justify][justify][SCREECHES][/justify][justify][BATS SCREECHING][/justify][justify][SHOUTS IN SPANISH][/justify][justify][YELLING IN SPANISH][/justify][justify]Come on.[/justify][justify][BELL TOLLING][/justify][justify][STUDENTS LAUGHING, CHATTERING][/justify][justify]Move![/justify][justify][TICKING][/justify][justify][CAR HORN HONKS][/justify][justify]NICHOLAS: Should be able to take better care of you here.[/justify][justify][CAR DOOR CLOSES, CAR DRIVES AWAY][/justify][justify]Everyone’s here to help you.[/justify][justify]Michael, this is Lucian. Lucian, Michael.[/justify][justify]Michael knows more about this place than I do.[/justify][justify][WHISPERS] Play nice.[/justify][justify]LUCIAN: Hello.[/justify][justify]Hello, Milo.[/justify][justify]My name’s Lucian.[/justify]
[justify]The person who was here before was Milo.[/justify][justify]No.[/justify][justify]He was also the new Milo.[/justify][justify]And before him was the other new Milo.[/justify][justify]I don’t even remember the first Milo.[/justify][justify]How long have you been here?[/justify][justify]Long as I can remember.[/justify][justify][MACHINE BEEPS AND WHIRS][/justify][justify]And you’re still not cured?[/justify][justify]There is no cure.[/justify][justify]There’s something missing from our DNA.[/justify][justify]Like a piece of a puzzle.[/justify][justify]And until they find it, the only way to stay alive is an oil change three times a day.[/justify][justify]What would you do if you could be normal?[/justify][justify]Just for an hour?[/justify][justify]I don’t think about it.[/justify][justify]Hey, look at the freaks! Look at them![/justify][justify][STUDENTS CHATTERING, LAUGHING][/justify][justify]Best not to be outside when school gets out.[/justify][justify]Like the original Spartans, we are the few against the many.[/justify][justify][BEEPING][/justify][justify]Milo?[/justify][justify]Milo?[/justify][justify][ALERT BUZZING][/justify][justify]Nurse?[/justify]
[justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][WHISPERS] Okay…[/justify][justify][BEEPS AND WHIRS][/justify][justify]Lucian.[/justify][justify]Lucian![/justify][justify]With one of these?[/justify][justify]It took a team of scientists to build that machine and you fixed it with a ballpoint pen?[/justify][justify]There’s a school for gifted children in New York.[/justify][justify]I think that I could get them to agree to cover your tuition and provide private care to help manage your condition.[/justify][justify]Somewhere you could study, learn, hone your skills.[/justify][justify]You have a gift, Michael.[/justify][justify]I don’t think I could forgive myself if I saw it go to waste.[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: “Dear Milo, this isn’t goodbye. I’m gonna find a cure for us, so we can be cranky old men someday. Your friend, Michael.[/justify][justify]P.S. You shouldn’t have unfolded this. Now you’ll never get it back together. See you this summer.”[/justify][justify]No.[/justify][justify][STUDENTS CHATTERING][/justify][justify]“Dear Milo…”[/justify][justify][ALL LAUGH][/justify][justify]Please, can I have my letter back?[/justify][justify]What?[/justify][justify]Please, can I have my letter?[/justify][justify]Okay. Here.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify]Please. Ah![/justify][justify][SHOUTS] Please![/justify]
[justify][BOYS LAUGHING][/justify][justify]Please![/justify][justify][YELLS][/justify][justify]Stop.[/justify][justify][GROANING][/justify][justify][BOYS GRUNTING][/justify][justify][NICHOLAS YELLS IN SPANISH][/justify][justify]Go away![/justify][justify][SIREN WAILS IN DISTANCE][/justify][justify]Let me have a look. Let me have a look.[/justify][justify][SCREAMS][/justify][justify]He tried to steal my letter![/justify][justify]Milo, Milo, stop.[/justify][justify]Stop. Stop. Stop.[/justify][justify][CRYING][/justify][justify]What about Milo?[/justify][justify]I’ll look after Milo.[/justify][justify]He needs me.[/justify][justify]NICHOLAS: Michael Morbius completed his doctorate by 19 and quickly established himself as the world’s leading authority on blood-borne diseases.[/justify][justify]His development of artificial blood has saved more lives than penicillin.[/justify][justify]Michael Morbius, please step forward to acknowledge the receipt of your prize from His Majesty, the King of Sweden.[/justify][justify][AUDIENCE APPLAUDING][/justify][justify][TRUMPETERS PLAY FANFARE][/justify][justify]ANNA: I can’t believe you dissed the king of Sweden.[/justify][justify]The king and the queen, their loyal subjects, all of Scandinavia and the entire scientific community.[/justify][justify]Yeah, but who does that?[/justify][justify]Well, Anna, we both know I have issues.[/justify][justify]But, hey, I kept the program.[/justify][justify][TONE SOUNDS, THEN WOMAN SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY OVER PA][/justify][justify][KNOCKS] There you are.[/justify][justify]Hey, Dr. Bancroft.[/justify][justify]Hey, Anna.[/justify][justify]We going to play?[/justify][justify]Oh, I don’t think so.[/justify][justify]See, now that Dr. Morbius is back, maybe you should try losing for a while, see how that feels.[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: Not gonna happen.[/justify][justify]Michael.[/justify][justify]Uh, yes?[/justify][justify]You got a minute?[/justify][justify]Of course.[/justify][justify]New one. For your collection.[/justify][justify][WHISPERS] Dr. Morbius is in trouble.[/justify][justify]I’m in trouble.[/justify][justify]MARTINE: “I can’t accept a prize for the by-product of a failed experiment.”[/justify][justify]Lab 1.[/justify][justify]Front page, “American Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize.”[/justify][justify]You know that people actually like writing checks to Nobel laureates?[/justify][justify]Makes them feel better about their investment.[/justify][justify]It would help if you stuck around long enough to cash them.[/justify][justify][GROANS][/justify]
[justify]You’re pushing yourself too hard.[/justify][justify][SIGHS][/justify][justify]Does our generous benefactor, Milo, know what you’re actually doing here?[/justify][justify]What am I actually doing here?[/justify][justify]Remixing human DNA with bat DNA.[/justify][justify]I have no idea what you’re…[/justify][justify]Talking about?[/justify][justify]Is anything ringing a bell?[/justify][justify]No bells ringing. Uh…[/justify][justify]Okay. Maybe this will jog your memory.[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.[/justify][justify][BATS SCREECHING][/justify][justify]That is a…[/justify][justify]It’s a fish tank.[/justify][justify]Hmm.[/justify][justify]Like, for… flying mammals.[/justify][justify]Oh, I see.[/justify][justify]Some friends I brought back from Costa Rica.[/justify][justify]So when were you gonna tell me?[/justify][justify]More importantly, how did you get my pass code?[/justify][justify]It’s the first six digits of pi backwards.[/justify][justify]It’s your password for everything.[/justify][justify]You should change that.[/justify][justify]You could lose your license for this.[/justify][justify]I’m not gonna need it much longer, doctor.[/justify][justify]You, on the other hand, will.[/justify][justify]You know, there’s something called “plausible deniability.”[/justify][justify]You should be thanking me.[/justify][justify]These are the only mammals on Earth that have evolved to feed exclusively on blood.[/justify][justify]So in order to drink it, these bats produce saliva that contains unique anticoagulants.[/justify][justify]So your theory is, if you can successfully splice vampire genes into your DNA, it would allow your body to produce those same anticoagulants.[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: Yes.[/justify][justify]It would be a cure.[/justify][justify]At what cost?[/justify][justify]The fusion of different species is a legacy we already carry in our bodies.[/justify][justify]Viruses insinuating their nucleic acid onto our own over hundreds of thousands of years.[/justify][justify]That’s evolution. This is different.[/justify][justify]I don’t think it is.[/justify][justify]We have to push the boundaries, take the risks.[/justify][justify]Without that, there is no science.[/justify][justify]No medicine.[/justify][justify]No breakthroughs at all.[/justify][justify][MACHINE BEEPING][/justify][justify][CHIMES, THEN BEEPING SOFTLY][/justify][justify]Okay.[/justify][justify][RECORDER BEEPS][/justify][justify]Test subject for cell combination 117.[/justify][justify][MOUSE SQUEAKING][/justify][justify][BEEPS][/justify][justify]Come on, come on, come on.[/justify]
[justify][SQUEALING][/justify][justify][RECORDER BEEPS][/justify][justify][SIGHS] Test subject 117 has resulted in…[/justify][justify]failure.[/justify][justify][RECORDER BEEPS][/justify][justify]I don’t wanna see you get hurt.[/justify][justify]I should’ve died years ago, Martine.[/justify][justify]Why am I still alive if not to fix this?[/justify][justify]To save my best friend, Milo.[/justify][justify]And everyone else like us.[/justify][justify]Not like this.[/justify][justify]Dr. Morbius, it’s Anna.[/justify][justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][MONITORS BEEPING RAPIDLY][/justify][justify][PANTING][/justify][justify]Her temperature’s spiking, and her kidneys are shutting down.[/justify][justify]We have to induce a coma before she has a stroke.[/justify][justify]A hundred milligrams of propofol.[/justify][justify]NURSE: Sure.[/justify][justify]MARTINE: Now.[/justify][justify]Come on.[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: It’s okay.[/justify][justify]It’s okay. We got you.[/justify][justify]There you go.[/justify][justify]There you go.[/justify][justify]Thank you, nurse.[/justify][justify]We’re gonna let you sleep a bit.[/justify][justify]Take a nice long nap.[/justify][justify][MONITOR BEEPING STEADILY][/justify][justify][SQUEAKING][/justify][justify]Michael.[/justify][justify]What?[/justify][justify]It worked.[/justify][justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][CLOCK CHIMES][/justify][justify]Dr. Michael Morbius.[/justify][justify][IN NORWEGIAN] Some crippled guy’s here to see the Boss.[/justify][justify]MILO: Michael! Get over here![/justify][justify][IN NORWEGIAN] As long as I am a cripple you’ll be fine.[/justify][justify]♪ Stop dreaming Of the quiet life… ♪[/justify][justify]You’re late. I was trying out this new thing called “working.”[/justify][justify]Oh, yeah. I don’t believe I’m familiar with the word.[/justify][justify]I don’t believe you are.[/justify][justify]So, what’s up with the goon squad?[/justify][justify]Oh, I won a hand of cards against some Russian gentlemen.[/justify][justify]Apparently they found his luck improbable.[/justify][justify]There you are.[/justify][justify]More like impossible.[/justify][justify]So, doctor, how is our favorite patient?[/justify][justify]Still determined to make his short life even shorter?[/justify][justify]Yes, I am. Anyway, you’re one to talk.[/justify][justify]You look terrible. Look at the state of you.[/justify][justify]Says the man wearing… What is that, a quilt?[/justify][justify]Oh, sorry. I didn’t get the memo to dress for a funeral.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify][CHUCKLES][/justify][justify]Right. I will see you later.[/justify][justify]And you… my door is always open.[/justify][justify]We miss you at Horizon.[/justify][justify]We could use your mind.[/justify][justify]I’ll leave you two to your fun.[/justify][justify]Bye, Nicholas.[/justify][justify]I have some good news.[/justify][justify]Let’s go for a walk.[/justify][justify]How’s Martine doing these days?[/justify][justify]Dr. Bancroft? She is, uh, overqualified, outperforming, brilliant as usual.[/justify][justify]And a royal pain in my ass.[/justify][justify]But she’s keeping me honest for the most part. Why do you ask?[/justify][justify]Eh, no reason. Just haven’t seen you in forever.[/justify][justify]I wondered if she had something to do with it.[/justify][justify]Aw, I miss you too.[/justify][justify]But, yes, she has been working with me to save our lives.[/justify][justify]I could ask her to stop if you like, put us out of our misery.[/justify][justify]Just don’t do something stupid and go and fall in love because, believe you me, there is absolutely no cure for that.[/justify][justify]Says the guy who knows absolutely nothing about the subject.[/justify][justify]Not true.[/justify][justify]I read about it in books all the time.[/justify][justify]Books, really? Wow.[/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify]Or romantic comedies. The point is…[/justify][justify]The point is, love is not on the cards for us, my friend.[/justify][justify]Listen, if you start quoting The Notebook to me, I am going to stop and hobble very slowly in the opposite direction.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify]Throw it![/justify][justify]MICHAEL: I’m close, Milo.[/justify][justify]I can feel it.[/justify][justify]A cure.[/justify][justify]It’s finally possible.[/justify][justify]Seriously?[/justify][justify]Highly experimental.[/justify][justify]Ethically questionable.[/justify][justify]Very, very, very expensive.[/justify][justify]I knew that was coming.[/justify][justify]And not exactly legal.[/justify][justify]Oh, and it has to be done in international waters.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify]You were always expensive.[/justify][justify]Is it dangerous? Should I be worried?[/justify][justify]You want me to lie to you?[/justify][justify]That would be nice, yes.[/justify][justify]It’s a walk in the park on a sunny day.[/justify][justify]Oh, yeah, that bad, eh?[/justify][justify]Listen.[/justify][justify]We don’t have much time left.[/justify][justify]This could be our last chance.[/justify][justify]So, what do you say?[/justify][justify]We go out with a fight?[/justify][justify][SIGHS][/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify]You with me?[/justify][justify]Till the day you die, brother.[/justify][justify]Till the day you die. You’ll have everything you need.[/justify][justify]We’re the original Spartans, mate.[/justify][justify]The few against the many.[/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][INDISTINCT CHATTER OVER RADIO][/justify][justify]You know, I’m sure you’re cheating.[/justify][justify]No. No, you’re not.[/justify][justify]What you got?[/justify][justify]MICHAEL: Putting another one in the oven.[/justify][justify]Wish me luck.[/justify][justify][CHIMING][/justify][justify]The moment of truth.[/justify][justify][CHIMES AND BEEPS][/justify][justify]Success, Martine. We did it.[/justify][justify]It’s holding together.[/justify][justify][RECORDER BEEPS][/justify][justify]Test 243.[/justify][justify][INHALES DEEPLY][/justify][justify]Human trials.[/justify][justify][RECORDER BEEPS][/justify][justify][EXHALES SHARPLY][/justify][justify]I’m glad it’s you.[/justify][justify]Had a lot of other suitors, didn’t you?[/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify]You know, the whole near-death thing is very, very chic.[/justify][justify]I read it in Cosmo.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify]Do they still make Cosmo? I don’t know.[/justify][justify]I know it’s just what you always wanted.[/justify][justify]Could be a collector’s item one day, you never know.[/justify][justify]This better not be my last one.[/justify][justify]I know this is painful, but you got it.[/justify][justify][GROANS SOFTLY][/justify][justify]That’s it. Bingo.[/justify][justify]Right there.[/justify][justify][SHUSHES][/justify][justify][GROANS][/justify][justify]Almost there, almost there.[/justify][justify][EXHALES SHARPLY][/justify][justify][SHUSHES][/justify][justify]It’s all right. Come on. Come on.[/justify][justify]There you go.[/justify][justify][GROANS SOFTLY][/justify][justify]You can buckle me up.[/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify]Yeah.[/justify][justify]You all right? Great.[/justify][justify][♪♪♪][/justify][justify][ELECTRICITY CRACKLES][/justify][justify]I call.[/justify][justify]Bringing out the big guns.[/justify][justify]Let’s go again.[/justify][justify]I’ll be back. I’m gonna check on the doctor.[/justify][justify]All right.[/justify][justify][MONITOR BEEPING][/justify][justify][DOOR CLANGS OPEN][/justify][justify]You shouldn’t be down here.[/justify][justify]I can be wherever I want, nurse.[/justify][justify]It’s “doctor,” actually.[/justify][justify][SNICKERS][/justify][justify]I’m afraid you’re gonna have to leave.[/justify][justify]Doctor. Sure, I can see it.[/justify][justify]But, uh, you’re still the help, just like me.[/justify][justify]Wow.[/justify][justify]You can tell all that by just looking at me, huh?[/justify][justify]Here I thought you were just another jacked-up dumb shit.[/justify][justify][LAUGHS][/justify][justify]Get out.[/justify][justify][ALERT BLARING][/justify][justify]Michael?[/justify][justify][GUN COCKS][/justify][justify][METAL CLANKS][/justify][justify]Michael?[/justify][justify]Where is he?[/justify][justify][METAL CLANKS][/justify][justify]Don’t move.[/justify][justify][ROARS][/justify][justify]What the hell?[/justify][justify]Everybody down to the lab now.[/justify][justify][WALKIE BEEPS][/justify][justify]Roger that.[/justify][justify][GRUNTS][/justify][justify]Don’t shoot![/justify][justify][ALARM BLARING][/justify][justify]Michael![/justify][justify][FOX GROANING][/justify][justify]Stop![/justify][justify][GROWLS][/justify][justify]Michael.[/justify][justify][GROWLS][/justify][justify]It’s just me.[/justify][justify][ALARM BLAR
Having to wait this long for artfight results is homophobia at its finest /j /lh
EatenRoadkill thats so cool I'm a lesbian
Ratt_Dad said:
EatenRoadkill *hand shake emoji*
AwWats said:
Aniimoe said:
Phillip said:
The more I refresh, the more chaotic this comment section gets
Asexuals would make great secret agents because the power of seduction doesn't work on us, but we could still utilize the power of seduction against our enemies without getting carried away and just yes asexual secret agents
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DavidDoesStuff I dont have a fav sorry </3