Posted by Axel on 16 August 2022 06:39:55 AM (Edited by Pika 4 months ago)


Final Score...
29,951,789 vs 29,849,429

#1 Top Attack
The attack that did the most damage is "Been a hell of a ride-Mass attack" by Leaffons. It earned 13,567 points!

(please see the attack's description for the full animation!)

#2 Top Attack
The attack that did the second most damage is "Smooth Criminal" by @Massena. It earned 13,205 points!

#3 Top Attack
The attack that did the third most damage is "Gibberish!" by Apollion. It earned 12,589 points!

Art Fight 2022 MAP
Before we get into the featured attacks & statistics, we'd like to present the 2022 Art Fight MAP(s)! For 2022, we wanted to do something different and create an official Art Fight MAP (multi-animator-project)!

We hope everyone enjoys this amazing creation brought to you by fellow Art Fighters. Click on the respective link below to watch the video! 

Featured Attacks: High Character Count
These are some attacks that feature a lot of different characters. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Character Interaction
These are some attacks that have strong character interaction. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Film / Animation
These are some attacks that have strong animation or great video editing. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Traditional
These are attacks that are made with traditional art! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Crafts
These are some attacks that were uniquely done with physical materials! Click the thumbnails to check them out:These are some attacks that were uniquely done with physical materials! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Comics
These are some attacks that are comics! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: 3D Render
These are some attacks that were done using a 3D software. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: VTuber Model
These are some attacks that were done using software to create a Vtuber model, which also feature complete rigging! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Game
These are attacks that are made in a video game format! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Staff Picks
Here are some staff favorite attacks!

Revenge Chains
Revenge chains are when two users attack each other repeatedly! Each time you both create an attack on each other, the higher the chain will be.
The longest revenge chain belongs to Little_Angelbun and Bunbiiit with 600 levels!! WOW!!!! 

The second longest revenge chain belongs to  BlankBlyke and  Astrinyx with a total level of 420. Great job you two!

The third highest revenge change is by SQU1SHU and @MildlyImperfect, with a total level of 231. WOO!


General Statistics
Wow, a total of 1,364,595 attacks were made... This is the first time we have hit a million!
Bloom made 682,336 attacks, resulting in 29,951,789.5 points
Wither made 682,259 attacks, resulting in 29,849,429.5 points

User Growth
We have over 534,352 users total. Of those users, 212,017 of them took part in the fight!
96,009 new users participated in their first fight. 116,008 are returning users!

User StatisticsThe 3 Team Bloom users who made the most attacks are:

qatoqat - 3,024 attacks
DaGrandDragonn - 1,657 attacks
@acidcasc - 756 attacks

The 3 Team Wither users who made the most attacks are:

Sixbane - 2,261 attacks
EdgyCatWolf - 2,010 attacks
RevlisFox - 1,713 attacks

Helpful Members
Thank you to these users that were helpful in all different aspects this year. All of these users did something worth recognizing. Give them a follow! 







A big thank you to the entire Art Fight Staff and Support Team for making this event possible with all their hard work!

Answers to Common Questions

The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before, just without the ability to attack.
If you’d like to continue attacking others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM here, our Discord, or other platform of your choice.

All rating reports that moderators did not get to will be automatically closed, since the points are final. Moderators will be still working on non-rating reports throughout the year.

Team achievements for Art Fight 2022 will be automatically awarded to accounts sometime before the start of Art Fight 2023.
Their assets are still being created, so thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Minigames will open sometime in a couple months after the fight. We'll release a newspost when they open! 

We want your feedback!

If you have a few minutes to spare, we would appreciate receiving your feedback on Art Fight 2022 via the following surveys! There is also a poll for Art Fight 2023's theme, so be sure to check that out!

General Feedback Form
Want to give some general feedback surrounding Art Fight as a whole? This form is for you!
Ratings Feedback Form
Ratings are an integral part of Art Fight. We're always looking to improve them, so please give your thoughts about them here.
Art Fight Usability
We want to hear your thoughts about the layout/UI and how you use certain features!
Art Fight 2022 Theme Poll
Vote for your favourite theme in the Art Fight theme poll for next year!

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2022: Bloom vs Wither
Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

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Comments (1317)

WOOHOO!!! Finally, the team i was on won!!!! Im so excited, i just KNEW Bloom was going to do it this year!!! (For reference i started with Coffee and Tea!) Im so excited, i cant wait for next years round!
Thanks for everyone who participated. My first year of Art Fight was a blast!
congrats team bloom and thank you everyone for yet another amazing year!!! 

I'm slowly picking up the pace and I can't wait to see how next year goes! :D
ne0mycin said:
congrats team bloom! this was so much fun and I can't wait for next year!!
holy shit that was the most immense artfight i‘ve ever participated this year and it was totally a BLAST MAN
This was an awesome Art Fight, congrats to Bloom!
I almost joined Team Wither at the start of the game... but my gut told me to join Bloom instead. I spent half the game cursing my gut instinct, but it has once again steered me right!
My friend Robal made it on the crafts list! Heyaaaaa
congrats, team bloom! <333
WHAT!!!! Omg that's amazing! For the entirety of Art Fight I was looking at the scores and was like "withers gonna win, errrg they're gonna win!" And now OOPS I GUESS NOT! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyway! Good game fellow Bloomers! *Salute*
irlizuru said:
This was my first time I did art fight. I really enjoyed it! I'm a bit down that we lost but hey we still have next year to win   
FUCK YEAHHHHH i didnt think we were gonna win but we DID 😤
flower power forever <3