Posted by Pika on 30 July 2023 07:31:09 PM (Edited by Pika 1 year ago)
Where did the time go? There's less than 48 hours left of Art Fight 2023!!

Here's what to expect for the end of the fight:

  • As in previous years, team point totals will now be hidden until the winner reveal.

  • The winner reveal and final point totals will be announced on August 12th, 2023 by end of day.

  • You may report incorrect ratings on attacks until the end of the fight. After this point, you will no longer be able to report attacks for incorrect ratings from Art Fight 2023.

  • The official end date of Art Fight 2023 is August 1st, 2023 at 12:00PM MT (18:00 UTC). You can view the countdown to the end of the fight on the front page of the site.

  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your final attack- the site will likely see some slowdown in the final hour of the event, and you will not be able to submit attacks once the the clock hits 12:00PM MT on August 1st. Staff will likewise not be able to submit attacks for you after the event ends.

  • Please note that the "Recent Attacks" section on the front page will be removed once the event ends, and won't return until next year's fight.

And a few housekeeping notes from me:

  • The issue with submitting reports and the missing incorrect rating category has been fixed as of 7/18
  • Recent Characters and Recent Attacks have been returned to the front page as of 7/19. They are also available on the team pages again as of 7/20. Personal apologies about how long it took to get those back up- the data loading issues there have been resolved now.

That's it for now, everyone have fun with the end of the fight and get those final attacks in!!

Also please stay tuned for an important news post regarding Art Fight leadership and staffing changes in the near future.

Comments (1112)

i had so much fun thank you 
94871487 said:
Happy art fight everyone. Good job. 
Apparently 53.571% of my attacks were for a specific friend

This was such a fun year for me! I didnt do as many attacks as i have in the past but i ended up making a book that im really happy with so it was a great fight for sure :]
This was my first year! I started a few days ago but still got a few attacks. The fight helped me find a new style that I love! Cant wait for next year 💗
Aiikikii said:
Very first year of artfight and it was fun! I wish my Tablet didn’t just off itself so I could bring out more attacks :( but other than that I loved it!
beankid said:
This is also my first year and I agree that I didn’t expect to get attacks back, at least I got 11 attacks in this year, even though I started late!
This was my first year trying out art fight and I honestly had a lot of fun! I didn't except to get some attacks. Glad I was wrong. Thank you for an awesome year <3 
Dorilean said:
NICE JOB GUYS!!!!! Had so much fun as always, well done to everyone reading this for all of your hard work this month you all did INCREDIBLY 
Artfight was so much fun this year i did not expect such a large amount of ppl to attack me and i am so greatful for every piece! Youre all incredible i love your art and your styles! 
Thank you so much!!!!!!! 
ubeshibe said:
GG EVERYONE! Thank you to the mods for their hard work!

This year was a successful year for me, I managed to post more attacks than last year. I hope I can do it again next year!
Loxiv said:
For my first artfight, can happily say I had a lot of fun! 🙌
First art fight a success!
I think i had a pretty great first artfight, all things considered