Posted by deactivated7 on 19 August 2016 05:10:00 PM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
Hello everyone and we welcome you all to ArtFight 2016! You have a day to touch the shiny and get your characters and perms up and the FIGHT will start tomorrow at noon site time! Better get prepped.
(Some clarification: You are able to upload characters throughout the fight, not just this one day! But since everything is brand new, we figured it best to give you guys some time to get set up and situated.)

Comments (98)

So nervous! Hope I set up my page ok! This seems like such fun, from what I'm understanding! <:D 
It won't let me post my chars..
First year wish me luck and see how this goes.
Clusts said:
Ok, I also have no idea what's going on, but it sounds interesting. I'm totally willing to give this a go! 
Vixian said:
i can barely wait
Yu-tanni said:
I honestly have no idea what's going on. 

But let's see yeah. 
First year!

I'm ready to rock it out! I'm beyond pumped:D
This is my second year and I'm pumped! It would be my third but last year I signed up and then didn't actually end up participating ;3; but I'm back again and I'm gonna participate this year! I'm trying to post all the characters I want up but it's gonna be hard to get em all up, I can't post all of my characters because I have too many but even cutting it down is a lot XD
first time... i hope i can at least draw a few characters
Pax said:
This will give me a good way to relax in between studying. Hopefully I won't be too busy ;A;
omate said:
I'm super excited!!! really looking forward to drawing a ton of art !
this is my third year doing this! I'm really excited
Kaylana said:
im terrified 
oh man this is my first time doing this i am so excited ; w ; cant wait to draw so many pretty characters!
Im not sure if i did this one or a different one, but i did one last year so this might be my second year!
Excited to do some this year as my arts have changes like crazy!!!