Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 06:51:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
I am happy to announce that the site should be stable right now and hopefully will stay up at a normal speed. We are monitoring the situation yet and are working on maintaining the site's stability. 

Thank you everyone for baring with us in our struggles.  

A huge thanks to our awesome owner and coders who figured it out! 

Takaia @morichinatsu Pika

Comments (88)

It keeps on saying add a character when I already have a character:( on the attack I’ve been trying this for days and it still won’t work but this is a good game though it sound fun
wait so is it just ios rn? i don’t have another device :(
GIR4423 said:
someone pls help it wont work 😭 💀 
m3owz said:
Looks like everyone is having issues submitting attacks rn, on an IOS and it doesn't register that I tapped the submit
Currently also having issues submitting an attack ;w; it was working fine until just today!

No emojis used or anything that would keep the attack from submitting, the page just sits there when i push “submit attack”
LYNNXX said:
Anyone found a fix to the attack-submitting glitch yet? I’ve tried 2 devices and it still won’t work.  Image size is fine so idk what to do :/
Rynigiri said:
Thank venus, im hoping to submit an attack soon cause this is my first time joining an art fight and it sucks I cant submit one at the moment. Unsure if this is an issue that occurs currently. May submit attacks on the last few day if it still cant do it.
anybody who is still here : try submitting an attack on a different device (ios wasnt letting me submit but my android phone did)
ive tried posting attacks on different browsers and it still doesnt work 
I didn’t use emojis and still can’t submit
AAAAAAAAh it won’t let me attack I press the submit button and it just sits!
JaJa said:
I can't post attack anymore 😔

Like, I don't have any emoji in the title and everything is in order, but I click the submit attack button and nothing happens 
I can no longer post attacks it won’t register I pressed the button since maintenance :(( 
RGB said:
Same as Daffodil; I’ve had this problem before and after the maintenance updates (but particularly after), where submitting an attack is impossible! 

I note that it also affects the thumbnail editor UI; when I input the thumbnail image, it does not bring up the UI thing, and that’s a hint that things aren’t working correctly.

Is it possible the attack function getting frazzled by the thumbnail editor function somehow?