Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 06:51:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
I am happy to announce that the site should be stable right now and hopefully will stay up at a normal speed. We are monitoring the situation yet and are working on maintaining the site's stability. 

Thank you everyone for baring with us in our struggles.  

A huge thanks to our awesome owner and coders who figured it out! 

Takaia @morichinatsu Pika

Comments (88)

It wont let me attack for some reason; I press submit and it just sits there and doesn't register that I tapped the button :’)
Bro I can't attack, it says there's a character missing for the rating, and I've noticed the section for half body of full-body has been removed. So it's impossible to attack unless that section appears again but I don't know how to fix it. Please fix this.
So using emojis inst available for attacks anymore..? πŸ˜”
GUYS YOU CANT USE EMOJIS IN THE TITLE!! that fixed it for me!!
I'm still unable to submit attacks :(
I'm also having these errors a lot rn I CAN'T POST ANY NEW OCS OR ATTACKS 
Ok so I’m not the only one having trouble submitting attacks too?
I'm new and it's a little stressful and the checker won't check me.I just wanna draw :'(
I'm also having trouble submitting attacks due to not being able to "check" the character ;O;
I'm having trouble checking the character and I *don't* have any emojis!
Hey guys! To anyone having issues posting attacks, my friend was having the same issue and it seems to be related to emojis\symbols in attack names! if your posting attacks with emojis in them try to take the emojis out! (In the names! the description takes emojis fine!)
I can't submit ANYTHING 😭 
Help, I’ve seen so many complaints about attacks not “checking” and idk what to do about it.

I can’t attack, hopefully this gets patched. 
I really want to submit an attack but each time I try it gives me debug info 😿 please fix this bug so I can submit my attack ☺️

my characters were posted and edited as soon as I took emojis out of their names!! 

but the "check character" still isn't working when I post my attacks :')