Posted by Takaia on 16 July 2017 06:00:47 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)

Please fill out this survey if you're interested in Art Fight shirts!

Comments (53)

MintChip said:
This is a really cool idea. If I have to money to preorder or purchase one I'd love to. Especially with the text / year because people are less likely to understand what it's about without it (especially considering the recent pokemon games of last year)
plus showing off the "Art Fight" text will make more people curious as to what that's about. To which they'd either ask or they'd look it up. I would get it in my team's logo for sure but I wouldn't mind having one of both if I could afford it.
Oh that's so nice!  I really like the team sun one although since I'm on team moon obviously i'd be getting that one xD
I'd definantly buy one! They're a good idea adn I would love to have one. It would be pretty nice to be able to customize it to have your username on it too!
milkylo said:
While your claim is valid, 
a profit would need to be made
so they can make more of the
shirts. If they did a price
of 20$ or lower, they would be losing money
and not gaining. 
It would be super cool to have peoples usernames on the back of the shirt kinda like a team jersey!
I'd be very interested in a Team Moon shirt (with text).  I agree with AshRaccoon ; an option for personalization with your username would be just awesome!
It would be better if you didn't add the year
I would deffo buy a Team Moon shirt from you guys. B)
pepperly said:
I feel like you guys should've featured the Artfight Logo shirt along with these two, as that's the one that'll carry and matter the longest. 
Lazer_Hyena Agreed.
I would be more likely to want the shirt if there was more than one a year. I mean, the teams are only the same for one year and then just the one month, so I wouldn't feel like I was representing much once this year's single fight was over. :<
i'd totally get this shirt!! would there be a way to pay extra to put our usernames on the shirt? ^^'
Ohboy my dudes i would love me a delicious T-Shirt
mm wonderful (Im sick I cant think straight) T-Shirts would be amazing yes because art fight is the cool (save me from bad grammer)
I would love to sport a top with my team on it
Maybe an idea but you could charge an extra fiver on top of the original price to personalise them with someone's username *cause I think that would be epic*
Heck yeah I'd wear one :0000