Posted by Takaia on 16 July 2017 06:00:47 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)

Please fill out this survey if you're interested in Art Fight shirts!

Comments (53)

I would absolutely buy a non-text Team Moon shirt! Personally, I think $20 is a max, $15 might be a good option; lots of t-shirts these days are pretty badly overpriced. :\
Even so, I really love the Team Moon logo shirt!
yesss id wear this with pride!
Holy moly,, I would absolutely adore a Team Sun shirt! 
That sounds absolutely superb, I hope I can buy one when they come out! 
(Now,, back to Revenge drawings. 3 more to go! Wish me lucK)
ashetxi said:
I think this would be a great thing to have!
ashetxi said:
Sounds interesting! 
(Maybe those could be prizes to the winning team)
Heck yes! Joined as a way to bound some with my lady and have already had a ton of fun with all these cool people. If you make these, I'll defs grab two of them.
I would say 20 at most but besides that, amazing looking shirts!! I love the text because people who don't know can know! Free advertising lol
Wendiz said:
I wish they were a bit more interesting. They don't feel very memorable imo.
Consider using some of the donation money to hire a t-shirt artist?
ooh yeah I'll definitely try to get one! Also I like the idea below about drawing characters wearing the shirts
naviwavi said:
These are pretty cool actually, If I were to choose I'd go with team sun without the text. The gray looks pretty good too imo. Hopefully they are soft shirts xD
Great job guys!
Trill said:
oh hell yea im definitely saving up for this
i would definitely try to buy one, if they're not super expensive! 
Elle0V3 said:
Ooh! would we be allowed to draw characters wearing the shirts? 
(I know some sun characters that would look killer in a "team moon" T-shirt! LOL!  >;D )
10/10 would buy a team moon shirt!