Posted by classicturtle on 24 June 2023 02:59:02 AM (Edited by classicturtle 1 year ago)
Art Fight 2023 Theme Reveal
Teams!  Get your teams here, fresh off the press!

The teams for Art Fight 2023 have been revealed through our yearly countdown stream and one of a kind animation!  The 12 hour stream took place on Twitch, but no worries if you missed it!  The animation reveal is available on our Youtube channel as we speak!

Early Team Registration

If you are just as excited as we are for this year’s Art Fight, you’re in luck: we are once again opening up Team Registration early to level out Day One traffic.  If you have a preference for what night dwelling creature you want to fight for this month, be sure to sign up – you are able to pick your team through early registration as opposed to being sorted randomly on July 1st.

Registration will be open a few days before the fight.  There will be an announcement in the Discord as well as a red banner on the site to signal when you can start picking your team!

Additional Updates & Announcements

Upcoming Attack Guide Update

As always, we are hard at work editing and tweaking the attack guide for this year’s fight.  It is advised to check the guide the closer we get to the fight as final touches and tweaks are made.  Of course, if you ever have a question, never hesitate to reach out to a site moderator!
We will detail all the changes at the beginning of the fight.

Upcoming Site Maintenance

As July approaches, the site will undergo its usual down times to perform maintenance.  These will be announced on our Discord when possible, as the site will be inaccessible.  We appreciate your patience during these times!

Art Fight 2023 MAP Applications Opening

As mentioned in the last news post, cyxxie and scribedhearts are once again hosting an official Art Fight MAP (multiple animator project)!  Please refer to the last news post for some basic information regarding the MAPs and rules concerning them.

The applications for the MAP will go live on this newspost on June 24th at 3:00pm UTC - that’s tomorrow!  Parts will be assigned on a first come first serve basis – after 30 participants have joined, users may apply as a back up.  The MAP will be utilizing a form of this song.  You must also have or be willing to use a Discord to communicate with the hosts of the MAP.

Apply here! - >><<

Art Fight 2023 Prompts

The sunset of June marks our annual Art Fight Prep Prompts!  What better way to prepare for Art Fight than with some thought provoking questions about your OCs and their Art Fight pages?  These are for YOU - you can do as many or as little as you’d like to prepare.  Feel free to share your prompts in the #prompts channel on our
Discord!  Take a look at the prompts below, and please thank the lovely mori and scribedhearts for putting this together for everyone!

Art Fight 2022 Achievements

The 2022 Achievements are here, made by the always lovely Axel !  They have been handed out automatically, so there’s nothing stopping you from going to your page to admire them even further!

Bloom Loyalist - Wither Loyalist - Traitor - 2022 Winner

Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.

Stamps by Sangtanic

Comments (1718)

nekogunz Hi, super cool 7-year artfight veteran here - there's always been some problems, some of which are natural for a very big event with only a few hosts, but the discord exclusivity stuff is new as far as I'm aware
nekogunz said:
tbh this is going to be my first artfight, but according to the comments it’s kinda disorganized.. oof

lowkey would like to know if it was vastly different on other years

I understand that artfight is run by a small team and that running an event like this is extremely difficult, but it's really annoying that i have to get updates on where early bird team picking is and how it's going to be extremely late through comments on this news post instead of. a news post.
lol how do i pick???
Vampire #e6466c
Werewolf #6291ad

The team color's hex codes for those who wants to match their profile picture/wants to see the color before they decide which team to side.
here's the exact message from discord if anybody is curious, a little annoying that they forgot(?) to put it here. hopefully when they talk about pinging people on discord when it's ready, they also mean they'll notify on-site, fingers crossed

Howdy everyone! Just popping in real quick to say that we don't have a firm ETA for Early Bird team picking yet as a few changes still need to be made, but I will try to have it ready for everyone at least 24 hours before the event starts. Don't worry, we'll be pinging here when it's available! Thank you all as always for your patience and also your excitement for Art Fight 2023!!!
PasteilloTheCat It was announced on discord that a form to request a specific team will be up 24 hours before the event starts (which is granted, later than last year's form) but you can wait until the day of to be sorted randomly
I am genuinely confused- how am I supposed to join a team?? ;-;
I see the new posts says the attack guide is to be updated. Is that also gonna wait until 24 hours before the fight starts, or should we expect that to change randomly through out the fight? Really disappointed with how disorganized this year is :( Especially with updates being “hidden” in discord. Not everyone uses that. 
Team Vamp for the Winn!!!!
let's have a great artfight!!
C1PHR said:
TEAM VAMP 4 THE WIN so excited !!
To everyone posting updates from the Discord, thank you.
You're soothing my impatience & frustration, even if by micro-amounts.
While I'm stoked for this year's theme, I'm still bothered by the seemingly disorganized execution so far, especially on how certain things should've been handled.
I don't think it's too much to ask to update other social platforms with little updates here and there and not solely Discord. 

Also, for anyone curious on what team I'm picking, you can check my profile for that. I think I've made it fairly obvious.
I'm gonna be Furry in team vampire:D