Posted by Axel on 13 August 2023 01:33:02 AM (Edited by leafjelly 7 months ago)


Final Score...
36,466,616.5 vs 36,875,472

#1 Top Attack
The attack that did the most damage is "Wowie" by dizzy_drizzled. It earned 14,402.5 points!

(please see the attack's description for the full animation!)

#2 Top Attack
The attack that did the second most damage is "The Artfight 2023 Mass Moon Watch" by paintballguncat. It earned 13,891 points!

#3 Top Attack
The attack that did the third most damage is "Fandom Mass Attack (Animation in description)" by Cruxian. It earned 13,775.5 points!

Art Fight 2023 MAP
Before we get into attack stats, we'd once again like to present the Art Fight MAP, brought to you by 30 of your fellow Art Fighters! This year's song was Drop Pop Candy, come check it out!

Featured Attacks: High Character Count
These are some attacks that feature a lot of different characters. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Character Interaction
These are some attacks that have strong character interaction. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Film / Animation
These are some attacks that have strong animation or great video editing. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Traditional
These are attacks that are made with traditional art! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Crafts
These are some attacks that were uniquely done with physical materials! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Comics
These are some amazing comic attacks! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: 3D Render
These are some attacks that were done using a 3D software. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: VTuber Model
These are some attacks that were done using software to create a Vtuber model, which also feature complete rigging! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Game
These are attacks that are made in a video game format! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Staff Picks
Here are some staff favorite attacks!

Revenge Chains 

The longest revenge chain belongs to Bunbiiit and Little_Angelbun with 1000 levels!
The second longest revenge chain belongs to cookiu and CeramicGlue with a total level of 707!
The third highest revenge change is by maddie_jean and Crackerly, with a total level of 703.


General Statistics

A total of 1,221,665 attacks were made.
Vampires made 603,933 attacks and 198,203 friendly fire attacks, resulting in 36,466,616.5 points
Werewolves made 617,693 attacks and 230,012 friendly fire attacks, resulting in 36,875,472 points.

User Growth

We have over 700,000 users as of August. Of those users, 258,279 of them took part in the fight!

98,166 new users participated in their first fight. 160,113 are returning users!

User Statistics

The 3 Team Vampires users who made the most attacks are:

ZAVIXEL - 3026 attacks
2 - 1005 attacks
Bunbiiit - 677 attacks

The 3 Team Werewolves users who made the most attacks are:

RevlisFox - 4265 attacks
CatNoir - 1231 attacks
EdgyCatWolf - 920 attacks

Helpful Members
Thank you to these users that were helpful in all different aspects this year. All of these users did something worth recognizing. Give them a follow! 






A big thank you to the entire Art Fight Staff and Support Team for making this event possible with all their hard work!

Things to Note

The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before, just without the ability to attack.
If you’d like to continue attacking others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM here, our Discord, or other platform of your choice.
All rating reports that moderators did not get to will be automatically closed, since the points are final. Moderators will be still working on non-rating reports throughout the year.

Future Newspost Regarding Leadership
Thank you for everyone’s patience while we transition our leadership roles. There will be a newspost in two weeks that will outline the changes that have taken place, along with what the future of Art Fight will look like.
Due to delays, this newspost has been delayed. Stay tuned for further updates.

Team achievements for Art Fight 2023 will be automatically awarded to accounts sometime before the start of Art Fight 2024.
Their assets are still being created, so thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Minigames will be delayed for sometime while we focus on site development. We'll post a newpost when we plan to open! 

We want your feedback!

Please come back in the next week to have a look at our feedback forms! Thank you for your patience.

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2023: Vampires vs Werewolves
Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

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Comments (968)

I still understand why it's been weeks since the newspost isn't here. However, like a lot of people say, please make a short newspost about the delay as it is really concerning to a lot of users on Art Fight.
Come on man. This is getting frustrating, I wish we would get an update already
To everyone reading this:

Patience is a virtue.
Ownership transfers are a big legal thing iirc, so it does take a lot of time, paperwork and NDAs to pull off. ><
I do agree that a little heads up would be nice, though.
In the meantime, it gives y'all lots of time to come up with team ideas for when the form does release!
I already have a few ideas great ideas!
Its been 28 days. Something, at least? Please?
Teufela said:
This is a very bad look for the new owners. This whole drama was started by lack of transparency, and what is the first thing they do? Not tell us anything, not even "hey, things are a bit messier than we anticipated and we need more time to sort everything out before we say anything publicly". If they think we will just forget and continue to donate anyway, they are severely mistaken. We all love Art Fight and don't want to see it fall, but this is too serious. We NEED to know if things are going in the right direction or if nothing is changing except for who gets to pocket the money.
A bit more communication about what the hold up is at least, instead of continuing to leave the people who got scammed in the dark, might be good. :/
Emerite said:
2 weeks amirite
Mokusai said:
It seems as if Taiaka is purposefully dragging te procedure on... At least give us a small update.
Keeto said:
Could we have at least something about how long it's taking? Leaving everyone in the dark about what's happening is pretty shitty and while I get that you guys may have a delay for whatever reason, there should be something to tell everyone that this is happening.
i had a dream it said we were getting an update in july n i was like "omg i should tell everyone" but then i woke up n realised.🦐wait
Soooo are we not getting updates either?? I get things come up in life and, hell, maybe Takaia's not actually being amiable in this ownership transfer, but a heads up would be nice anywhere. Even the world's tiniest "we're still working on it" would do. :/
So... no news?
wow, these past 4 weeks have been the longest 2 weeks ive ever had!! 🙄