Posted by deactivated7 on 14 January 2017 09:22:06 PM (Edited by Takaia 1 year ago)
We've got another poll coming your way! This time we've narrowed down the options based on the previous poll, however, you only have one week to vote in this poll! After this, we're planning on having a final vote.
Vote over here:
Go go go!

Comments (11)

I missed this poll, but I'll be keeping an eye out for the last one. Can't wait!
Biscuit awesome to hear!
plz lemme live my life long dream of being n alien (xenomorphs rule cant wait for the new movie this year aaaaa)
Biscuit said:
It is for sure something that has been suggested for the future, and we have considered including, yup! 
Thank you though! I understand how it can be easier or less confusing to have that feature at times.
Biscuit oh thats interesting!
Also have you guys thought about entering a comment system where you can directly reply to the specific comment your replying to rather then make a new one and tag them in it? c:
Biscuit said:
As of last year, themes were simply a start for inspiration! They were the team names and colors, but also were a place to start if you were stumped on what to make for the person you were attacking.. Sometimes it's fun to do team theme-based attacks!
Voted! There are some pretty nice themes, Do the themes actually affect anything other then the team names I was wondering?
Howee said:
I like these!
Jin-chan said:
fire vs. ice is pretty cool though :v