Posted by Rainy on 13 July 2020 11:59:50 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)

Art Fight 2020 Extension & Updates

Hi everyone! The team hopes you've been enjoying the fight so far! 

We've got a few updates and reminders for you all. 

Please read below for more information.

Art Fight 2020 Extension

You may have noticed that the site was slow for a few days after the event started. We apologize about the inconvenience it may have caused you all. 
Due to the site being inaccessible for a few days, we've made the decision to extend the fight until August 10th, 2020 12:00PM MDT.  The site wasn't down for that long, but we wanted to surprise you all with a longer extension this year. We hope you all enjoy the extra time! 

Known Site Issues
Art Fight should be running pretty smooth now, with the exception of an error you may get on the front page, and the statistics page being temporarily inaccurate. There may be some slow patches, but it should be generally stable!

Rating Update - Animation Balancing, Simple Characters & Minimal Form
Our rating system isn't perfect, so we've made some important changes to it for the rest of the fight that we think you'll like!

On July 4th, we recently balanced animation points, since animation was giving a bit more points than intended. All attacks uploaded after that have the intended amount.

Simple Characters & Minimal Form

There has been some controversy surrounding the Simple Shaped Character size rating. We've heard your concerns, and are implementing a new size rating called Minimal Form. 

Sometimes referred to as 'blobs', these doodle-like characters are drawn with minimum effort. They generally feature singular simple shapes or silhouettes. Characters that can be drawn in only a few strokes or lines can fall into this category.

The team will be updating existing attacks we deem fit with this rating. We'll also be doing some point recalculations too, so you may notice some point changes! 
We urge you to all check out the new rating description by clicking here.

Art Fight 2020 Questions
Here's some general information for newbies to help aid them in navigating the site!

Please be reminded that our Moderators are always available for general Art Fight questions, and our Adminstrators are available for anything a Moderator can't answer!
If you haven’t already, we also encourage you to join the Discord server here! Discord is one of the fastest ways to get contact with moderators and the latest information regarding the site. 

How do I get sorted?

Now that the event has officially started, you can click “Current Event” in the upper right hand corner to check it out. Once there, you can go ahead and get sorted into a team. Team sorting is done manually to help prevent teams from being flooded with abandoned and inactive accounts. Which team you get sorted is mostly based on how many users are on the teams already, to help make sure that the user count is balanced and each team has an equal chance based on member count.

How do I attack?
Once you’ve been sorted into one of the two teams, you are then able to click the Submit button in the navbar and there should now be “Attack!”.

What is rating?
You may notice a Rate Attacks option under Browse. Here, you can rate attacks that have been submitted, giving them a small addition to their points if you upvote them. This is not a required part of gameplay! It’s just if you want to take part in it.

You also do not need to be on a team to rate! Spectators, if you want to have a little part in the game too, now’s your chance!

Is friendly fire a thing? What is it?
Friendly fire in Art Fight means to attack someone on the same team as opposed to attacking someone on the opposite team, and it most definitely is a thing! You’d attack them just like you would anybody else. However, since the goal is to attack people on the other team, friendly fire will not count for points.

Comments (120)

This was a pleasant surprise! Nice to see we’ll get a lot more attacking time :D
nimreth said:
yayyayayayayyayaaaa longer af period :^D < 3
JIuco said:
Oh yeah, the prolongation sure is a blessing, I'll def get my chance to keep on fighting after I finish some other duties,thanks!
Jumpde said:
Yay! Thank you! :D
I’m really glad about this extension, I started on the 11th on July and my goal was to get 100 pieces done and I knew I probably wouldn’t be able to do that within 20 days, so the extension really helps me be able to do this with less stress.
viski said:
Thanks for the extension! Im going into surgey mid way through the month and was gutted I was going to miss out on half the event, but now I can recover and get straight back into it :D super happy!!
Thank you for the extension!! (°▽°)
pozyomka said:
TYSM FOR EXTENDING!!! sometimes i lose a lot of motivation and it rly helps ^_^ !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for extending the event!! ^w^
Yay, extension!!! I thought I wouldn't be as involved as I wanted to be because I am so busy this month with school stuff, so I am thrilled!!!!
Thank you very much for the extension.
zigzaq said:
great! thanks for all your hard work
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

(Thanks a lot for the extension!) 
oooohh more time to crush team sugar>:3 ty!
Oooohh, we get a 10 day extension?? That's friggin amazing! Thank you so much!! Now I might be able to draw at least most of the characters I have bookmarked haha! =D
Also a HUGE thank you for all the hard work you guys have put into AF this year! It's been a blast!