Posted by Rainy on 6 March 2021 05:49:33 AM (Edited by Rainy 5 months ago)
Hello Art Fighters! 
The team has been hard at work revising our site rules. We heard your concerns loud and clear, and with your suggestions in mind, we have changed and added a lot. This includes the new category "Spirit of Art Fight", made to ensure a positive and kind environment. We'd like to ask you to read through the entire rules page again to avoid accidentally breaking any rules! 

You can read the rules here.

Asides from that, you should start seeing more updates from the team as we get closer to the fight! We will be announcing changes done to the attack and maturity ratings in the coming months, amongst other exciting things! 

We hope that you are excited for Art Fight 2021, and enjoy these new rules. If you have any questions regarding the rules, please comment below! 

Comments (85)

i have a question, but not about the rules, i never got my badges for last year's art fight. I know there were problems keeping up with it due to the amount of participants last year, but considering how it's almost april now, is this still being caught up?
So excited! Thank you for the update and your hard work! ♥
Attack-At-Dawn We don't allow characters that hold such views on our site as it is considered hateful or discriminatory content and would not keep Art Fight a safe space. Use of slurs is not allowed in any form, even in character images, names, or descriptions. If you have any characters you're concerned about you're welcome to DM me links to the characters and I'll look over them with the moderating team.
Pansear There were many changes to almost every rule, a lot of new rules got added and old rules were changed to further clarify them. I suggest reading over all the rules carefully as there were too many changes for us to list out one by one.
SHIROASA Yes! That's allowed. Before the COVID pandemic the rules stated that all art sales were not allowed to be advertised on Artfight to avoid people possibly paying for attacks, but the rule was changed and we allow any art sale advertising due to the difficult times.

MilesDoesArt Unfortunately the "No cosplay" rule was added as the outfits more often than not are exactly the same as existing characters from copyright media. So for copy-right reasons we can't allow characters to be drawn wearing cosplay as it would be too similar to the cannon character. If you did make changes to the outfit/cosplay to make them distinctly different from the original then they might be allowed, you can DM a site moderator the images and a link to the character and it'll be looked at. 

omenaapple If the attack clearly disrespects the original character's design regardless if the design is a worm or simple character design then it may be removed at moderator discretion. Like if a character was a purple worm with blue eyes, but an attack drew the worm was a single purple line with black dots for eyes then it's likely to be removed.
RoraDye You don't have to hide the character, the art will just need a "Epilepsy warning" filter on it. You can change your character image filters by going to the character page, press on the edit button on the top right, click on the image tab, scroll down and click the "edit image" button on the on the one you want to change the filter settings for. Then click Yes on "Does this image contain mature content?*", and Epilepsy warning will be at the bottom. 
But if you want to hide your characters you can do that here , but they will prevent anyone from seeing your character.

Chickadde1 That's fine to do, just be sure to say (WIP) in the character name or somewhere else obvious so a moderator doesn't remove it due to rule 23.

BudderGirlGames It does! If a background is made with a detail brush that creates entire trees and such, then it would need to be rated as No Background.
Thank you team
krish said:
One more year another Art Fight. I love spending time here! I am waiting with pleasure!= Еще один год еще один Art Fight. Обожаю здесь проводить здесь время! Жду не дождусь!
Good to see these updates! I just have one question about rule 15. Does this count for brushes that are like patterns or grass brushes or brushes that are super detailed and adds things like an entire tree? Sorry if someone's already asked this haha.
Can I upload character profiles with placeholder images (such as from temporarily while I decide which OCs I want to use for this year's artfight? Or am I required to upload them with images as soon as I create their profiles?
lunerora said:
How can I hide my character if the art I'm using has the potential to cause epilepsy due to chromatic aberration?
kinda sad that the collabs aren't allowed. never done that, but I like to think collabs encourages comraderie.

QUESTION for General Rules number 4, what if it is the characters who have these views and not the Roleplayer?

  • Transphobic and homophobic views

  • Racist views

  • Ableist views

  • Sexist views

  • Use of slurs

PineapplePanda hey there! you are indeed allowed to do that, but they cannot use official art fight assets, nor can they be heavily inspired by any official art. and yes, so as long as you have the user's very explicit permission to put the art up as a sticker for them to get, that's fine. we recommend that you let the recipient know what website you’re using to print the sticker before you do it, though, since if you upload the art to a big third party site such as redbubble you run the risk of having the art potentially stolen and monetized ^^ so you want to make sure the character’s owner is aware of whatever site you’re uploading the sticker to’s terms of service! hope this helps.
Losteyestom & kittyrules2003 - yes! in general, pokésonas and pokéfusions are fine to upload, so as long as you explicitly credit nintendo & the species in the additional credits section of the character, and have some original and creative element to them, which they do tend to!
Hdawg1995 unless the character is super duper saturated and has multiple bright colors present on their design, they're usually fine. you can see what we consider eye-strain here; it's got some visual examples! you're also welcome to PM me or any other site moderator if after reading our maturity guide you're still confused ^^ 
cowzilla nope, we ask that you not start drawing or sketching attacks in any way- that includes drawing out poses!
CrundleQuest5 yep, in the same way artbreeder or AI-generated characters are disallowed, backgrounds generated using those sorts of websites are disallowed as well by the same logic
I'm excited for this year's Art Fight!