Posted by Rainy on 6 March 2021 05:49:33 AM (Edited by Rainy 5 months ago)
Hello Art Fighters! 
The team has been hard at work revising our site rules. We heard your concerns loud and clear, and with your suggestions in mind, we have changed and added a lot. This includes the new category "Spirit of Art Fight", made to ensure a positive and kind environment. We'd like to ask you to read through the entire rules page again to avoid accidentally breaking any rules! 

You can read the rules here.

Asides from that, you should start seeing more updates from the team as we get closer to the fight! We will be announcing changes done to the attack and maturity ratings in the coming months, amongst other exciting things! 

We hope that you are excited for Art Fight 2021, and enjoy these new rules. If you have any questions regarding the rules, please comment below! 

Comments (85)

Hype hype hype! my first art fight is gonna be fun! i'm a little warry about the bright color rule- I have characters (have yet to upload due to time and now this rule) that have bright colors, but i'm not sure if they would fall under "eye strain" or not. would it be okay to tag them as eye strain just to be safe? or would that be a issue?
Unlucky said:
I'm looking forward to this year!
This makes me excited seeing rules being updated! Thats means we are getting close to artfight! Can't wait! 

Edit: I have a question, Am I allowed to sell art based off of the teams? (For example, making a dream and nightmare themed stickers, but not using anyone else's characters and not using the logo's. Just having it for example say "team dream" with a dreamy like asthetic) 

Edit 2: (As well as offering the option to upload the artwork I made of someone's chatacers, Only with their permission of course, for them to buy to if they want to as a sticker? The art work will 100% be done free of charge and only uploaded if they want to buy it, as well as taken down at any point when they want, the artwork also being down by me)
Tigereye said:
Hello! I was wondering if Pokesonas and Pokefusions were still okay? They seem to be covered under rule 21 but I wanted to double check as I love drawing them c:
cowzilla said:
Hello! I'm just wondering something about the rule saying that you cannot use a premade drawing as an attack. This is an important rule, of course, but what I'm unsure about is whether we can sketch out poses and ideas before the fight, or if that is included in that rule too? Thank you! ^^
Love the new rules, thank you mods! I had a question about number 15, the caveat about pre-made brushes/stamps not counting towards background, I was wondering if the brushes were custom-made if it would still not count?
As for "general art sales being allowed," this is regarding commissions, correct? I've had links to my online store since I joined last year (which is physical merchandise and not commissions) and wondering if that falls under the same category.
Hey!!! I'm absolutely loving the rules update especially regarding the oversimplification, simple characters, and aggression toward opposing teams rules! However one rule is very disheartening to me.

The no cosplaying rule pretty much destroys the essence of one of my beloved characters who is a cosplayer that owns a cosplay café. Having that rule essentially means I have to remove pretty much all of her references...

I think if y'all would consider it, a great edit would be to have to have characters  be visually distinct from the actual character they're cosplaying and/or have to have references to the media they are cosplaying in their descriptions. 
I was wondering if Pokefusion's count as other media violation's. Cause me and my friend bought some and were wondering if they are still ok for Artfight. 
StarKorg said:
gosh im so happy about the no oversimplification rule, very cool thank you
Lovin' all the changes so far! Hope to see everyone in AF 2k21!!!! :D
Absel123 said:
Okie! Thanks for the heads-up and efforts you've put in here! I couldn't participate in last year's Art Fight due to unfortunate family emergencies, but because of that, I'm very much raring to go this year even more! Very much looking forward to it!
Caitluz said:
Sounds good, so hyped for this year's art fight!