Posted by Biscuit on 1 July 2018 06:38:04 PM (Edited by Rainy 6 years ago)
Hello Art Fighters! Welcome to Art Fight 2018. We’re all excited for you to participate!

As you already know, the theme of 2018 is Coffee vs Tea!
Apologies for the wait! There's so many of you that the site broke down for a bit. But now we should be kickin' and ready to go! 

New Updates:
  • A new achievement has been added to emphasize team loyalty! You can earn it by making attacks for a single team throughout the entire event. Its counterpart achievement is the traitor badge, which can be earned when submitting at least one attack for each team by switching between them.

  • Rotating banners! We have two banners this year featuring our VIP donators last year. Both banners are located on this post where you can view them. Please do not refresh in order to view the banners, as it slows down the page. We promise there’s only two, and they’re displayed here so you’re not going to miss anything.

  • Two in-fight collaborations, one for each team. Tea Party and Coffee CommitteeDetails can be found at their respective links.

  • If you’re new here: 



    Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:

    To show your team pride, use the badges made by @sanguynn on your Art Fight profile and DeviantART! 

    Thank you to Axel for layout, shading, drawing the background, and to the staff for lining and coloring the banners. 




    Let the battle begin! 

    Comments (32)

    Anyone  know how to post attacks??? and what team your ON
    Anyone  know how to post attacks??? and what team your ON
    jeez i feel really bad complaining but im having a problem uploading attacks? the button just isnt working??
    when i press on sumbit attacks. There is an empty little white box and thats all,
    It won’t let me into Current Event
    mikasow said:
    trying to find some one and i can't seem to be able to. 
    Still not able to attack but i'm glad the sites up!! Rip coding team
    Rago said:
    Hey ! I'm triying to click on "current event" but it doesn't work qwq
    I can't join a team, is it normal or..? ;;
    Am I the only one who can’t submit an attack still? So many people are posting, and I just get either the “Whoops” page or an internal error page. I’ll refresh and look at my attacks, and it didn’t show up. I know you guys are working hard, and I appreciate that, but it’s annoying and demotivating to see others post, and yet I can’t.
    Anyone want to explain to me how to enter the character ID? I've tried with and without spaces, with and without the hashtag, nothing works. I can't even submit an attack, since it requires an ID, but it won't accept it, no matter what. It just asks for the ID, but it's right there! Someone please help!
    The site is working much better, but I still can't submit any attacks. Thanks for the progress so far, but I have five (soon seven) attacks pending, and I really want to post them for Team Tea. Sorry to be a bother about it.
    Just a heads up that I can access my characters and things pretty fine, but the notification page won't load at all! ;w;/
    Good luck with trying to handle all these fighters omfg it's amazing how many there are this year!!
    Heya, just a heads up that the create character thing is broken as I keep getting errors when I try too submit my character. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. 
    lurkie said:
    Sounds weird, but the fact that there's so many people this year to stop the website from loading is amazing!
    This year is going to be the best one yet! We just have to wait for the storm of people trying to post attacks to calm down a bit 
    Everyone needs to remember that its the first opening day; so yeah its gunna be crowded and to not let that deter you from participating.
    Foot traffic will probably calm down by tomorrow 7/2/18 so people who are mad that its not working need to relax a bit

    Is just a game why you have to be mad?