Posted by Rainy on 1 July 2020 07:58:44 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)
Hello Art Fighters! Welcome to Art Fight 2020. We’re all excited for you to participate!
As you already know, the theme of 2020 is Sugar vs Spice!


Here is some general information for those who are new!


  • Name changes are no longer accepted for the duration of the fight, with the exception of donators!
  • We have heavily updated our attack categorization.  Please check them out as they have a lot of changes!
  • You may have noticed that we implemented a dark mode! You're able to switch to it in settings.

Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:

Team Badges
To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic on your Art Fight profile and DeviantART! 

Sugar, left to right:

Spice, left to right:

Sugar, left to right: 
Unknown LakeLake Vanderdeer @reshirama @dogantlers ClockworkRhapsody
Spice, left to right:

Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.

View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here

Let the battle begin!

Comments (71)

Rubicon said:
I can't believe you called the modes light fight / dark fight instead of light fight / night fight ...
The attack button is all dulled. It isn’t working. 
The site seems to be slowly picking up for me- you guys are awesome!! Can’t wait to attack some spice members ❤️❤️
@M_Nihility Im having the same problem :( My file was only 2MB and it said i couldnt post cause file to big
okunie said:
How can i attack if button aren't active...?
I also have this problem. I keep getting an error with a message to be sure that image is under 5MB when my main file’s size is around 3MB
CORVUU said:
I cant attack. It keeps say Error and I dont know what to do. 
how do you find someone to attack because the button that says 'find someone to attack' is greyed out for me so i cant click on it... is that normal or am i doing something wrong...?
Patchinkooooo, Oh, i have this problem too.Let's hope it gets fixed.
i can't attack, it's keep error and say pic has to be under 5MB but my pic size only got 2MB 😰really don't know what to do...

I think it has been fixed now, thanks for hard working🎉
Lynnniee said:
Heya uh can you somehow search for a specific character??
i drew one and then accidentally lost it and idfk how to find it again pwp
I hope everyone has fun!
Hi, sorry if you guys have already received some questions about this, but I joined a team (sugar) beforehand, but the button for finding someone to attack isn’t available. Will that prevent me from making attacks?
Hey I just started. I posted a character and set up my profile and everything, but I can't seem to attack yet...
KyoZu said:
So much error this year, even some time i cant go in artfight