Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2019 04:36:40 AM (Edited by Axel 3 years ago)
Hello Art Fighters! Welcome to Art Fight 2019. We’re all excited for you to participate!

As you already know, the theme of 2019 is Dream vs Nightmare!

Here is some general information for those who are new!

How to get sorted:

Now that the event has officially started, you can click “Current Event” in the upper right hand corner to check it out. Once there, you can go ahead and get sorted into a team. Team sorting is done manually to help prevent teams from being flooded with abandoned and inactive accounts.

Which team you get sorted is mostly based on how many users are on the teams already, to help make sure that the user count is balanced and each team has an equal chance based on member count. 

How to attack:

Once you’ve been sorted into one of the two teams, you are then able to click the Submit button in the navbar and there should now be “Attack!”. 

What is rating?

Once the fight has started, you may notice a Rate Attacks option show up under Browse. Here, you can rate attacks that have been submitted, giving them a small addition to their points if you upvote them. You can only vote on each attack once a day.

This is not a required part of gameplay! It’s just if you want to take part in it. You also do not need to be on a team to rate! Spectators, if you want to have a little part in the game too, now’s your chance!

Is friendly fire a thing? What is it?

Friendly fire in Art Fight means to attack someone on the same team as opposed to attacking someone on the opposite team, and It most definitely is a thing! You’d attack them just like you would anybody else, except since the goal is to attack people on the other team, friendly fire will not count for points.


  • Name changes are no longer accepted for the duration of the fight, with the exception of donators! 

  • We updated our attack categorization and our maturity ratings a month back. Please check them out as they have a lot of changes!

  • Other

    Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:

    To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic on your Art Fight profile and DeviantART! 



    Dream, left to right: AlienAlfredoCearaTentaJennGyroTechCityspacerSilverpinerock

    Thank you to  Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.

    View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here

    Let the battle begin!

    Comments (75)

    So uh.. how do I change my profile picture?
    -w- said:
    So do you just attack random people?
    kirb said:
    I have no idea what I’m doing hAhaha
    Im kinda confused.. but I guess I’ll figure it out eventually 
    Yo I'm so confused... Do I?... How do I attack!? I'm new to this game. The tutorials don't explain it. 
    I have a question. Is it a thing that you make a lot of attacks but never get any attack on your own oc's ?
    I made 10 allready but I think  I am invisible. It takes a lot of fun from art fight :c 

    How do you use the badges?
    Ajart said:
    Guy how do I attack how to I play this I got team nightmare 
    Ooh! I wonder what team I'm in! I hope for dream 
    I'm so excited to join! :O
    This is my first time ever to venture in this. Read the rules and hope I do this right. Good luck all and have fun mates~!
    Hey! First time here, so I don't really know what to expect. I just hope it's as good as my friends say it is.
    Mintti_ said:

    Wheeee this is my first time joining and I hope it will be fun :000
    This is my first time on Art Fight! I am currently finishing my ref sheets for my main OC, April! I can't wait to start attacking! #TeamNightmare