Posted by Rainy on 22 April 2020 09:40:04 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Front Page Revamp

With Art Fight around the corner, we've been making some changes to the front page. One improvement we've made is by adding links to essential pages, such as the about page and the guides. We hope this will make things easier to find! We have also added recent characters, random characters, and random attacks to the front page! 
This is just the beginning, and these changes aren't final! We'll be working on styling the front page to make it look more visually appealing in the upcoming weeks, and have some cool donation perks in development for our supporters! 

We hope you'll enjoy these changes! 

Art Fight Start Date

Art Fight will be starting on July 1st, 2020, as normal.

We have gotten several inquires about Art Fight starting early for those in quarantine. Unfortunately, Art Fight will not start early. A lot of work gets put into each year to make an early release not possible, and this includes the art assets and the theme reveal that are done just for the 2020 Art Fight. Alongside that, we have some adjustments to make to the rules and guidelines to better your experience! However, we do have some awesome Art Minigames on our Discord that will be active until Art Fight begins. 

Volunteer Applications

One quick reminder that our volunteer application is still open! If you've ever been interested in helping out, here's your chance!  

Moderation volunteer application
- You must be at least 18 years old to apply
- You must have participated in one Art Fight Event (does not include minigames)
- Being in the Discord server is a requirement. Any applicants that are not will be ignored
- Reminder we will most likely look at users who are more active in the chat/site/reporting than those who are inactive

Comments (78)

Monoruss said:
I'm loving the new front page! I like that the changes aren't too dramatic. I can't wait for July
Can't wait for art fight!
The new front page is great!!
The front page looks lovely!

When is the voting period for choosing the next themes?
A search does exist and it includes characters as well as users. However it is a perk for 25$+ donors only due to the strain it causes on the site. The search was largely responsible for prior lag on the site. While there are likely plans to bring it back in the future for all members once it can be reworked, for the time being it's exclusive to those donors. Thank you kindly for understanding! Hopefully that helps clear things up! <3 
OH MY RALPH I JUST SAW ALL THOSE PINGS. Sorry I didn't reply straight away, but I didn't log on here much. ^^;
To xxri  and Vagevurig, that I am not too sure since I've only Fought once, but it makes sense that the server may be strained because of this. Still, I really hope that they can figure something out for this.
To Kingfauna, the problem is that for me and a lot of my friends, our usernames are not the same as ones on different sites (ie in short forms or completely different), yet I don't know if that is really the case or what their usernames are here. However, I do know some of their characters' names or sorta short forms for their potential usernames, so if a search on that can be done it would be much better in my opinion.
Thank you for all the replies though! Keep up the good work, guys!
_copycaT said:
I love the new front page! It makes it look so sleek and it's so much easier to find everything I need
Stale said:
I love the new changes C:
KiRAWRa said:
Loving how the front page is looking, great job guys! I'm looking forward to any and all improvements you're able to add before the next fight.
Apologies, I missed pinging you in the initial response. Please see my reply just below this one! I addressed the search inquiry you had
CrystalMaskOwO Buggy _Kaiskii_ SassyTeaTime

Hello! Thank you for your suggestions, however a search engine does already exist! 

Due to the strain that it caused previously on the site, it is currently a donator perk for 25$+ donors!

For the time being, you can find your friends/other users by replacing 'USERNAMEHERE' in with the username of the person you are looking for and it will bring you to their profile!
Its almost may, which means Almost two months for art fight!! Who else is excited!!
sairpav said:
awhh my second artfight!
can't wait can't wait <3
I can't believe that this will be my second year! 
Just want to ask if a search engine will be introduced?
I like it a lot! I wish I could search my friends users! After that I think its going to be perfect <3